Loyalty test results


I've heard a lot about wife and girlfriend loyalty test. The thought sounds awesome but I never hear of examples where it has been done or worked. I would love to hear from all different parties.... Husbands did the loyalty test work? Bull what strategy do you use? Sure there are tons of questions but would love to hear or see a real life example.
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I'm assuming it doesn't happen very often. I would need to trust the guy completely that he wouldn't expose my intentions and that sort of trust doesn't happen quickly.
It's more likely to happen with someone she already knows but then that opens up a whole other set of problems.
It's definitely a turn on thinking about it though.
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I've heard a lot about wife and girlfriend loyalty test. The thought sounds awesome but I never hear of examples where it has been done or worked. I would love to hear from all different parties.... Husbands did the loyalty test work? Bull what strategy do you use? Sure there are tons of questions but would love to hear or see a real life example.
Sent you a text
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To me the guy seemed like a pic collector. He was all about me sending him pics before he would show me screenshots of the types of texts he sends or talk about his success rate. He just kept repeating the same, "show me yer wife". I told him that my avatar is her and that should be enough.
So, no results to talk about.
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I’ve almost been intrigued by this process mainly as a way to gauge my wife’s interest in seeing another man in addition to her current boyfriend. I have similar reservations as previous posters regarding giving out contact information for my wife and that person not disclosing that these requests originated with me.
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