Las Vegas late March

We are headed for Las Vegas late this month. Last time there I got her to go to the Sex Museum. I had her talked into the Red Rooster but she chickened out about half way there and has not changed her mind. She is very curious about it but has not had the nerve to go there. She doesn't like the outward appearance on top of being the first time. I tried to talk her into a massage and didn't make the grade on that either. I am going to try again on that. She says she wants to go back to the Sex Museum which is a very sexy place. It's a bit seedy but she likes it. I think that is a plus up. I just need the right situation for her to cross over and take her first strange dick. I know she wants it but is to reserved to go for it. Pot might be a help this time since it is legal in Vegas now. Any Ideas/suggestions/comments. We have a ball down there and she fucks my brains out. Given the opportunity she can fuck my brains and another guy's brains out for sure.
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look up the studios they have a website. We have been to both the red rooster and the green door liked both but the studios is set up in a more friendly way in our opinion and a great place to go check out. Remind her that alot of couples go to check things out and don't have to have sex with anyone no one is pushy.

Good luck
Thanks. I appreciate the tip. The Rooster is just too seedy for her and the Green Door doesn't sound much better. They don't even serve drinks or food. I will check out the Studios.
Thanks. I appreciate the tip. The Rooster is just too seedy for her and the Green Door doesn't sound much better. They don't even serve drinks or food. I will check out the Studios.

It is hard because honestly I have not been to a sex club that was not a bit seedy. The Studios is a BYOB place. The outside appearance is a house and has other houses around so it appears fairly normal from the outside. With sex clubs tell her you guys are just gonna go in and look around watch people. This can be done and no one is going to push you guys. We try to visit a sex club in every city we visit, we usually watch and then perform in the open for the crowd to watch us, the studios is the first place she actually had sex with someone else at that club in the club.

If your wife has not crossed that line yet I am not sure a sex club is the right place for that but can still be fun to check out and watch. In Vegas have her go play video poker at the bar in the evening it is almost a a sure thing she will get hit on that can be fun and not to far for her comfort zone. Or take he to a male revue see if that can get her fired up.
She does get hit on when gambling. Good idea. I may try to get a little more booze into her before we go gamble and then the free drinks while we gamble. She knows she has a hall pass and that I want her to fuck other men and a threesome has been promised but not accomplished.
She does get hit on when gambling. Good idea. I may try to get a little more booze into her before we go gamble and then the free drinks while we gamble. She knows she has a hall pass and that I want her to fuck other men and a threesome has been promised but not accomplished.

Yes a little booze does help. Let us know a bit about the background how far along are you guys has she said she wants to do it or just knows she has a ahll pass ?
I don't have any pictures. I can hardly get a family picture of her let alone something a little more sexy. She is very conservative and very suspicious of the internet. One thing I am hoping for is to use some pot in my quest while we are down there. We had never tried it, I worked counter ...... for years with the military but it became legal here. We tried it and it seems to enhance an orgasm. Anyway it is new and we are experimenting with it.
I don't have any pictures. I can hardly get a family picture of her let alone something a little more sexy. She is very conservative and very suspicious of the internet. One thing I am hoping for is to use some pot in my quest while we are down there. We had never tried it, I worked counter ...... for years with the military but it became legal here. We tried it and it seems to enhance an orgasm. Anyway it is new and we are experimenting with it.

If weed you think works to get her in the mood and horny then you should try that, I don't have any thing to add to that never tried it. I think from talking to you that a sex club might be to bold a step at this time. How many days are you going to be there. I think if you can get her hit on a few times try that sex musuem you talked about and then suggest the sex club as a away to watch others maybe.
We are there 4 days three nights. The pot doesn't really help with breaking down her inhibitions but it does make the orgasms more intense and she has a lot. Mine to by the way though I am usually one and done except for a couple weeks ago she got me off twice and last weekend she got me off twice again. What a trooper sucking cock and taking a mouthful to get me off. She loves sucking cock and one reason I would love to share her and let a guy enjoy what I do. I may suggest we try to have sex in the sex museum just for a naughty step to get her doing naughty things. I am thinking if I get her hot enough and then she gets hit on while gambling it could make the difference. She admits that the more sex she has the more she wants and needs.
We are headed for Las Vegas late this month. Last time there I got her to go to the Sex Museum. I had her talked into the Red Rooster but she chickened out about half way there and has not changed her mind. She is very curious about it but has not had the nerve to go there. She doesn't like the outward appearance on top of being the first time. I tried to talk her into a massage and didn't make the grade on that either. I am going to try again on that. She says she wants to go back to the Sex Museum which is a very sexy place. It's a bit seedy but she likes it. I think that is a plus up. I just need the right situation for her to cross over and take her first strange dick. I know she wants it but is to reserved to go for it. Pot might be a help this time since it is legal in Vegas now. Any Ideas/suggestions/comments. We have a ball down there and she fucks my brains out. Given the opportunity she can fuck my brains and another guy's brains out for sure.
I've heard the studio's is the place in Vegas, my hubby been asking me to go there when in Vegas, he sounds like you 🙂
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I agree the places like the studios is not great idea for a new comer, We have only been there 3 times so far but have had great quality mixed in with the crap. SMI mentioned above is a okay place but not great by any means , I guess it all depends on what you are looking for.

Hope you find all the fun you are looking for maybe go real soft after the museum try a sex shop like the one on tropicanna start with these baby steps, or try a strip club with male dancers for her.
I agree the places like the studios is not great idea for a new comer, We have only been there 3 times so far but have had great quality mixed in with the crap. SMI mentioned above is a okay place but not great by any means , I guess it all depends on what you are looking for.

Hope you find all the fun you are looking for maybe go real soft after the museum try a sex shop like the one on tropicanna start with these baby steps, or try a strip club with male dancers for her.
Try a sex shop, you mean, like go into a sex booth, or have patrons feel her up or something?
Try a sex shop, you mean, like go into a sex booth, or have patrons feel her up or something?

Well I mean since she seems to still be reluctant just walking around a a sex toy store just walk around look and touch things or laugh and talk to others something simple yes going into a sex video booth is another step when you are ready.
Sorry for no update. I felt funny on the way home from work Friday night. By Saturday morning i was laying under the covers of a bed with an electric blanket, shivering like a dog shitting tacks and had a 101.4 temp. Flu. We didn't go. I went to the doctor instead. If you have ever thought of having the flu over spring break, I don't recommend it. One of us has been under the weather ever since.