So yea its been forever since i posted. So quick up date first i guess. The wifeys little text fling fell thru over the summer. Which really shut down any progress for us tho it sparked a bref up in our sex lifes toghter. Which died down since. I was told when the fling ended to leave the talk n idea alone. Which i been a good boy about has not press her into anything. Yet the other day she made a comment to me which makes it clear its still in head and it not her first little poke with words ether. Im really at a loss. She is back to not having sex with me. Yet making what can be taken has empty pokes here n there. With the added stress around the house from day to day stuff im fearful to brouch the subject and tell her its all good.
So what a guy to think or do.
So what a guy to think or do.