It' been an interesting couple of weeks to say the least. I generally make sparse notes just enough to be a refresher when I write the details.
On 2/26 I went into the hospital for a routine prostate procedure know as TURP (Transurethral resection of the prostate). It was to be an overnight stay with 3-4 days of convalescence. Instead it turned into a 3 night stay and 7 days of convalescence, including a foley catheter.
When I finally got pen to paper my sparse notes rang no bell for me to expand on. So here is what I wrote:
Wednesday 2/13 same new guy repeat on way home from work call him Mr Commuter
Friday 2/15 Mr Commuter on way home from work
Saturday 2/16 bartender before his shift began
Monday 2/18 midday new guy from bartender big, hairy, nice demeanor, self-conscious with me present -long time to get it up (26)
Tuesday 2/19 Mr commuter on way home from work
Wednesday 2/20 Mr commuter on way home from work
Thursday 2/21 Morning friend of Mr Commuter - performed great - she likes him a lot - she said good technique very hard cock - she wants a repeat (27)
Friday 2/22 bartender before work
Sunday 2/24 double header from the bartender (morning Hispanic uncut - she didn't like him at all) other guy a diminutive guy - small cock but great stamina - likes being watched (28 & 29)
Tuesday 2/26 procedure
Friday 3/1 discharge
Tuesday 3/5 foley removed
Friday 3/8 I'm finally OK - though no sex of any kind for several weeks - even suppression of erection - Mr Commuter on way home from work then bartender before his shift began
Looks like she now has 2 regulars, the bartender and Mr commuter. I'm concerned about a connection to Mr commuter, she assures me there isn't any, it's strictly sexual.
I expect to get back to documentation more and better details as I have in the past. I'm pleased she took a hiatus during my medical issue.
Her medical condition is improving and her advancing pace of sex is working out just fine. Her major issues is exhaustion after sex. 29 different men and counting, many repeats. She has become a fuck machine, and we both love it. Of course the PGAD is helping to fuel her insatiable appetite and her daily masturbation hasn't abated one iota.
Saturday 3/9 I stopped by the health care faculty to settle up the bill on HWR's stay there. I bumped into her Speech Therapy evaluator. I apologized for being so short and unsympathetic with her the last we spoke. She was a bit skeptical at my sincerity. I assure her I was being sincere and I was open to chat with her anytime she wanted. She took me up on the offer and suggested we meet over coffee later in he week and chat.
Sunday morning 3/10 the bartender called HWR to stop by for a quickie. She surprised me by saying no, that she needed to recuperate after a very trying 2 weeks. Though I couldn't hear the entire conversation I gathered that she decided on a hiatus until later in the week.