Is it possible to have just a one time fling with a bbc

I can’t really answer your question with any authority. My wife has taken a regular black lover whom she sees on a weekly basis. This is her only black experience (and in fact only her third sexual partner - maybe fourth, which is another story),which is why I can’t speak with authority on this. She trusts him and as she is very risk averse, this is important. This means she is happy for him to ejaculate in her vagina without any protection or other barrier. I’d like her to take others too, but she is adamant that she is happy with the present arrangement. It’s all about her sexuality, so I am also happy.

But my take on this is that your wife is likely to develop feelings through even just a single encounter that might be stronger than expected. This could be an emotional attachment or, most likely, a raw sexual excitement at the taboo nature of what she’s doing. This is in addition to any sexual satisfaction that she might discover for the first time.

However, all of us are different and I doubt that anyone can really guide you completely here. I think you need to be honest with each other and, most importantly, trust each other with that honesty.

For what it’s worth, we are still quite new to this - only three months since my wife was first ‘blacked’ - but we are finding the experience entirely positive. We enjoyed it purely as a fantasy for many years. But I ce taking that significant step, We’ve both discovered things about ourselves and each other that have surprised us.
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Strange question, there is so much talk about bbc that it has become some kind of magical holy grail. The reality is there is nothing special about the colour of the skin a cock comes with, and while it is more common for black men to be well endowed, cocks come in all shapes and sizes no matter who the owner is.

If you think that a woman is going to fall under the spell of a guy just for his big cock, you really don’t have a clue. I enjoy the experience of meeting different people, with different techniques and personalities. I have never had a situation where I have thought that was so amazing I want that forever now, and I have tried everything imaginable. Also rarely do I make an emotional connection with them. The few I have made deep loving relationships with have never been on the first visit and nothing whatsoever about the size of their cock.
Strange question, there is so much talk about bbc that it has become some kind of magical holy grail. The reality is there is nothing special about the colour of the skin a cock comes with, and while it is more common for black men to be well endowed, cocks come in all shapes and sizes no matter who the owner is.

If you think that a woman is going to fall under the spell of a guy just for his big cock, you really don’t have a clue. I enjoy the experience of meeting different people, with different techniques and personalities. I have never had a situation where I have thought that was so amazing I want that forever now, and I have tried everything imaginable. Also rarely do I make an emotional connection with them. The few I have made deep loving relationships with have never been on the first visit and nothing whatsoever about the size of their cock.
Thanks for injecting some reality into a mythical fantasy sensation. There are so many cultural ubiquitous stereotypes, like all black men have huge cocks or all Asian men have small cocks, or all lesbians have distinctly "butch" partners, or all women are satisfied by only huge cocks. I believe these and many other stereotypes are perpetuated and influenced by pornography and the men that watch/read it.

It feels like an over simplification by men to grasp at their understanding what a woman wants/needs for sexual gratification. So many other important things are swept away like personality, hygiene, and compatibility as long as they have a big black cock that will pound you into submission/ecstasy.

I don't claim to know what women want, but I do know they aren't so superficial that simply a big cock will make them forget/ignore the "other" things they want for a full experience, nor will it make them forget/ignore the things they value. Once again it seems like men being preoccupied with the physicality of sex and believing that that is what drives women to have sex. There's another good example of a stereotype, all men are stumbling buffoons regarding sex and they only know about the physical act of it.