Im alittle confused so could use sone input

So has of the past couple of weeks the wife has been making comments like almost dropping little hints about her finding or needing another guy or even having one. All in gentral context. I know she talks about the subject at work with her female coworkers. Never really telling me completly all that says just little tid bits. Most of close co works have sort of the life style going on their lifes. She never closed the book on the subject when she stopped talking to her last guy. Yet when ever i ask if she wants to give another try i get oh youd like, i dont have time for extra or whatever. My gut saying she likes the experince on her terms and wants the extra on the side. How do i get her to admit it and roll with it.
You’re not alone if you dream about being cuckolded. It’s a fantasy for millions of men, but only a small percentage of them make it a reality. Most never gather the courage to talk to their wife about it (for myriad reasons, many of them rather smart). Of the men that share their desires with their wives, only a select few end up living out their fantasy. That’s because most guys screw it up. Read on to find out how you can take a better, smarter approach and maybe make your fantasies a reality.
Her Pleasure Must Be Your Focus
The most common mistake a wannabe cuckold makes is forgetting that it’s not all about his pleasure, his desire, and his arousal. A true cuckolding relationship is a two way street that can be difficult to navigate, so you have to be in it together. Chances are good that if you’re interested your wife will actually be at least a little bit interested too. Our brains have a wonderful way of pairing us with people that will satisfy our most significant desires.
Many husbands wishing to be cuckolds only think about themselves, unfortunately. They’ve been fantasizing about it for so long that they get too deep and assume that their wife will be on board to be a vehicle for their fantasy. You need to understand that it has to become her fantasy as well if it’s going to work long term.
Start Slowly and Subtly
Unless you’re already living a kink lifestyle, chances are good coming right out and telling your wife you want to be cuckolded will be such a shock to her that she’ll deny you outright and tell you not to bring it up again. That’s why it’s generally better to start slow. Here’s a few suggestions that might help:
• When you’re both turned on (but not when you’re having sex) ask her about her past lovers. Try to get her to tell you about the ones that gave her the best orgasms. Feel free to let her know that it turns you on without going over the top about it. This is a great way to introduce the idea of you being turned on by her having sex with other people.
• You can also ask her about the biggest cock she’s ever had. Most women are actually more satisfied by having sex with well-hung men, so she might be willing to tell you.
• Watch a movie with cuckold. “Unfaithful” with Diane Lane and Richard Gere is a good choice, although it doesn’t end well for the guy she’s having an affair with. “The Affair” on Showtime has quite a bit of hot sex too. It’s good to expose her to the idea of women ...... with other men and enjoying it.
• If she’s into sex toys then buy a dildo that’s larger than your penis and use it on her. Masturbate while you’re doing so. There’s no need to say anything. Your enjoyment of watching her fuck a bigger cock will be more than enough.
Let Her Know What Turns You On
A lack of patience is where most guys go wrong when trying to convince their wives to cuckold them. You absolutely have to remember that while you’ve likely been fantasizing about it for years she’s probably never thought of it, at least not in a way that turns her on. She needs time to catch up. That’s why you shouldn’t even mention her actually cuckolding you the first time you bring it up. Instead, you should simply share with her the idea that you’re really aroused by thinking about her and the other men she’s slept with.
If she hasn’t shared any past stories then simply let her know that you’re really turned on by the thought of her with another man. There’s no need to suggest that she actually got out and ...... with someone at that point though. Instead, concentrate on how much it turns you on, how beautiful she is, and how the idea of her experiencing overwhelming pleasure with someone else drives you crazy with lust.
One of the most significant hurdles facing you will be trying to explain to your wife why it turns you on. Unfortunately that’s nearly impossible. I’ve never been able to do it. That’s where you’ll need patience. Over time she’ll come to accept it.

Introduce Her to the Idea of Cuckolding
If everything has gone well to this point and she’s responded to your subtle hints it’s time to introduce her to the notion of cuckolding you. Be gentle when you bring it up and expect that you’ll have to talk about it numerous times before anything happens. There are numerous ways to talk to her about it, so you’ll have to tailor your approach based on your experience so far.
The most common reaction a woman has is to assume that her husband is bringing up the idea of her ...... with other people because he wants to ...... with someone else. In all likelihood, your most significant challenge will be convincing her that you absolutely don’t want to ...... with anyone else, you just want her to ...... with other people. You’re giving her complete freedom and you want to stay faithful because that’s what turns you on. Again, you’ll likely need to be very patient.
Have Patience and You’ll be a Cuckold
I know I sound like a broken record, but you’ll likely have to be patient. Taking your time introducing the idea to your wife and convincing her that all you really want is for her to have great sex with other people is the most difficult part of the process. Once you have her interested it’s up to the two of you to negotiate how your particular cuckolding relationship is going to operate. Despite what you’ve read online, every cuckold marriage is different and meets the specific needs of the couple. If it doesn’t go well the first time there’s no need to lose faith. Like anything else, this is something you need to practice to be great at.
I think the biggest hurdle for us is her battleing herself. Like she wants to experince but is hung up on her vaules i guess. I mean its been like little things lead to huge jumps then that jump leads to road blocks. The last guy she got over the talk flirting n subject has being mental cheating. She really got into the talk and thinking and probly would have gone thru with it if the guy would have shown more intrest in pursiut. She has never closed the book on the subject of hotwifing. It feels like she wants to tell me she wants to look again but wont admit it. Kind of like how during her stint talking to the last guy. She wouldnt admit flat out she was into it but it was clear has day and at times she did admit she was into it. With her there is alot of back n forth like riding a fence.
Thanks for the advice. I have done alot of research and solo searching my end of things. I keep myself in check and let her lead the way on it. Yes i am guilty of over thinking the subject and reading to deep has well. But i make sure to not drown her with whats in my head. Hints why im not pushing her or anything. After all its her body and she has to be able to look herself in the mirror if she ever dose. I know my past and where i stand. At the end of the day its all about her wants and what works for us both.
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I found it very helpful to lookinto her eyes and assure her that I could never feel bad about her doing something that I find so exciting and that it would be like a living erotic movie that was made just for me. For me because I was the one who urged her into giving into her desires
Thanks for the advice. I have done alot of research and solo searching my end of things. I keep myself in check and let her lead the way on it. Yes i am guilty of over thinking the subject and reading to deep has well. But i make sure to not drown her with whats in my head. Hints why im not pushing her or anything. After all its her body and she has to be able to look herself in the mirror if she ever dose. I know my past and where i stand. At the end of the day its all about her wants and what works for us both.

U have just said what i wanted to tell u... let things go slowly.. only if she likes it and ready for it... good luck guys.