I think I’m being cucked by my 19 year old little cousin? Advice needed

Hi Guys,

Long story short, my girlfriend needed to borrow of laptop to check the status of her passport application as she got an email with an update, it wouldn’t load correctly on her phone and was a nightmare. She’s been waiting on this for a few weeks as we have an upcoming holiday to Tenerife and were not sure it would arrive in time.

Myself (30m) and my GF (30F) were all together in my aunts home for dinner on a Wednesday night, we’ve been doing this for the past few weeks in an attempt to bring us all a little closer as a family, we are not the closest due to ongoing rows between my father and his sister.

We’ve moved passed that now, and the last few months have been going great, after dinner, my GF asked if she could borrow my aunts laptop… my little cousin offered his but said he needed to make sure it’s charged, he ran up and plugged it in and we forgot about it for a while.

At the end of the night, as myself and my GF were leaving, my cousin ran up the stairs to grab his laptop, he told her to just take it home and use it for whatever she needs as her MacBook is currently in for an issue with the battery.

When we got home, I was exhausted from the long day in work (I’m an investment banker so its really long hours, and my GF is a teacher) so jumped straight into a shower.

While I was in the shower, my GF went to check the status of her passport, when she turned the laptop on, there was a folder open on it, and a video highlighted as if it had been recently playing, she saw the thumbnail and double clicked it, there was also other folders with things like ‘Sluts’ , ‘Cock’ etc… she thought she had accidently stumbled upon my little cousins porn folder and was so embarrassed, until she saw an imagine of his face.

Keep in mind, this little fuck has only finished school last year, and is like 5’9 and 19.
There was a pic of the longest cock my girl has ever seen in her life, if I was to guess on a size I would say bigger than most pornstars and probably 11-13 inches legit no joke, its insane.

She didn’t know what to do , so instantly saved the whole folder on a USB stick, she didn’t mention it for a few days.

Fast forward 2 weeks, were drunk and horny, she mentioned it to me, she told me all about it. My curiosity got the better of me, and she grabbed the USB stick with the folder, when I tell you my jaw legit dropped and I was filled with envy, my ego was destroyed, and I was so jealous and turned on… all at the same time. The pics girls and MILFS were sending him were absolutely crazy, every mans absolute dream.

Part of me wants to know, was it done on purpose as revenge for our family’s not getting along? …. Is this little arrogant cunt trying to subtly let my girlfriend know he has a monster cock? Is this his way of gaining a small (massive, excuse the pun) win over me?

My girl is absolutely obsessed as we’re very open sexually, I’ve a big cock too… it’s 8 inches and an amazing sex life.

But the thing that’s absolutely killing me is knowing he has a way bigger cock than me although he’s only 19, in the folder theres screenshots, texts of girls with massive tits, his friends girlfriends, snapchats and cock pics, this little shit is living the dream, and knowing he wants to show it off to my GF by ‘accident’ drives me fucking insane, but turns me on so much.

What should I do?
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