I really blew it.

My wife's friend became a plaything for a short time, small and petite with perky breasts, no children and well tanned. She was so tight that on both occasions I couldn't penetrate her, giving her oral was great but her pubes were quite wiry, so 10 minutes was about the longest I could do it. She did give great head though and loved eating my wife's pussy, so it was great watching her on her knees, arse and pussy on display while she did my wife, not a bad deal at all. Wife got a bit possessive of her though so it became a look but don't touch deal which did not sit well. I came home one night after a 14 hour shift, very tired, feeling grubby from work and hungry, lo and behold they were in our bed going for it, no dinner in the oven, that's when I blew it, basically told the friend to fuck off home straight away, wife had the shits and stayed in the bed while I slept on the 2 seater lounge. That was it for that sweet little deal, we had a couple of other playthings but they never matched the first. Have often kicked myself for not just chilling , made a sandwich, had a beer and watched the show.
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My wife's friend became a plaything for a short time, small and petite with perky breasts, no children and well tanned. She was so tight that on both occasions I couldn't penetrate her, giving her oral was great but her pubes were quite wiry, so 10 minutes was about the longest I could do it. She did give great head though and loved eating my wife's pussy, so it was great watching her on her knees, arse and pussy on display while she did my wife, not a bad deal at all. Wife got a bit possessive of her though so it became a look but don't touch deal which did not sit well. I came home one night after a 14 hour shift, very tired, feeling grubby from work and hungry, lo and behold they were in our bed going for it, no dinner in the oven, that's when I blew it, basically told the friend to fuck off home straight away, wife had the shits and stayed in the bed while I slept on the 2 seater lounge. That was it for that sweet little deal, we had a couple of other playthings but they never matched the first. Have often kicked myself for not just chilling , made a sandwich, had a beer and watched the show.
You're right, that was stupid. What were you thinking?