How do I go about getting my wife gangbanged? I've thought the whole ...... thing but hard to setup and she has a high tolerance. She loves weed but not effective enough to get that to happen. I do have a fantasy of taking her to motel, then start drinking and she will get very horny! Then, a knock at the door? I answer and a gentleman says I dropped something, which I didn't its been setup. I have to use bathroom and while watching he just whips his cock out and in her face. When she's horny and ...... she'll do almost anything. I guarantee she'll start sucking cause she loves giving head but never swallow. As they're playing I tell the other many men to go ahead and come in. Once you touch her tits, she'll fuck almost anyone. She doesn't do black for some reason her Mexican parents had issues but, I mean she did fuck her cousin a couple times when we first were married. She can be a true whore, and I want to encourage that! I know if someone lifted her ass in the air while blowing a big cock shed just let the guy behind go in the pussy. Then after all that pleasure shed easily submit to getting it in her VERY tight asshole. Then one would cum and another step in and she loves cum in her pussy and ass, and I just know shed grow a taste for it as much as she loves cock in her mouth. She could easily take 2 cocks in the pussy as I've gotten much of my hand in. Then just enjoy as she takes as many men as I can find and they each take multiple shots on goal. And maybe a couple are bi and I get a few shots in me at the same time and film that ......! Yummy! But how? I've posted things and get interest here or there but I want for her and me a true porno gangbang experience. I can't find people in Colorado to do that though? Any suggestions?