How do things change over time?

I am curious for those in this "lifestyle" how things have changed over time?
For instance, we are not long term hot wife people but for coming up on a year soon my wife has had another lover, someone she sees quite regularly. When we started with him it was essentially our entry point into this so we have progressed over time. I was looking back at where we started and it was rough but we somehow navigated it. The first few times the three of us were together I was acting as a director and I had these preconceived plans of exactly we would be doing and directing my wife into certain things. Fir her part she spent a lot of time directly interacting with me while having sex with him, maybe in disbelief it was happening or looking for my input. It took awhile for us to fall into a groove of it just being sex instead of treating it like a major life event we had to setup and direct like a wedding or graduation etc. Now things are more fluid and we more or less just move into our positions naturally like we did when it was just two of us naked vs three.

Curious what others have experienced.
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I have to ask you now that it's been a year for you, what else has changed for you besides being more "fluid" and "natural"? How is your (for lack of a better word) anxiety level now? Is it all but gone now? Is there any sort of "new routine" that has been established? Has any of the "newness" worn off? Do you talk more about sex than you did a year ago and is it more relaxed if and when you do? Most important to me is does your wife treat you any differently than she did a year or more ago.

If you could have your perfect scenario looking ahead would it be right where you are now? It seems people often need that "next level thrill" and it leads to a lot of different places that weren't on the table before. I guess I'm just wondering if you have anything in mind as to where your experience goes. I realize that you're having the time of your life now and I always say if things are good, "ride that pony till it throws you off!" I get if it's the last thing on your mind. I'd probably be the same.
It's been a while since she played. While the excitement and anxiety level were off the charts the first time, it was never less than insanely high as time went on. I believe that the thrill for her never lessened but her confidence exploded and she seemed to be more comfortable with everything. Such a wonderful thing to witness.