Flatmate tricked me and my girlfriend. Need advice

First of all I'm not a cuck and I'd prefer not to become one. I'm currently living with a flatmate because of college and he asked me if he can msg my girlfriend because he wants to get me a birthday present and wants to surprise me with it so he would like to get her input on the gift. I said sure why not and he told me to just tell her that he is gonna hit her up and that I don't wanna know what they talk about but that I'm fine with it. So I did that and then a day later she asked me if I really don't wanna know what they talk about and if I'm really fine with it. I said sure. Because I thought it's about the birthday surprise like he said.
But it got me a little suspicious and was wondering why she asks me like that. When she went to take a shower I took her phone and read the messages and he told her that my secret fantasy is being cucked and that I want him to hook up with her but that I am ashamed and embarrassed to tell her. He told her that I want to hear it from him and when ever I talk to her about it or if I get jealous one day and be angry I would just pretending because that's my kink to be the jealous bf. He also told her that they should record it when they hook up so I can watch it when ever I am not with her.
My girlfriend isn't the brightest I must say. I mean I love her more than anything and I would never leave her no matter what but she is unfortunately also pretty gullible. She didn't believe him at first but then he talked her into believing it and she also somewhat got the confirmation from me about it when she asked me those questions and I thought it was about my birthday gift..
She told him that she isn't sure if she should go all the way with him but that she thinks she would do it for me if I really want this (I DON'T!!!). He told her that's fine and offered her a first date to get to know each other. She agreed to this.. They will go on their first date this saturday.
I tried to tell her that I know that she's going on a date with him and that I don't want her to go and that I don't want him anywhere near him but she just took it as me pretending to be the jealous bf like he told her and she just winked at me and said sure she won't go.
I really don't know what to do now. I feel powerless. I tried to confront him but he's just being an utter dick about it and says if I have problem I can move out.
Thats where I am at right now. I don't know what I do now to stop this. The worst part is that I think that my girlfriend is just genuinely doing it to make me happy and that this guy is getting his way with her because of it
any advice of what I can or should do is appreciated im a bit stunlocked and overwhelmed with all this
  • Wow
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^ that.
When you beat his ass, make sure you tell him why. If you can beat him enough to make him cry even better. Be sure to film it.

I am a believer of firm and decisive action.
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im not gonna kick his ass.. the guy is like twice my size. football player. i study computer science.
When I was young, my father told me
The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

He is relying on his size to scare you. Get another computer geek friend to help. Alternatively tell your girlfriend what he did and move out. Maybe she won't fuck him, but if you do nothing he will be banging your girl and making you watch him do it.
If you've told your girlfriend to her face that you don't want this, and you don't want her doing anything with your flatmate, and she doesn't believe you, then she's either just wildly stupid or she doesn't really love you that much.

You might have to tell her that you read the messages and say that the flatmate is full of shit. Of course that risks her trust in you by saying you read the messages, but the alternative MIGHT be that your girlfriend gets plowed by the other guy.
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Bro you just have to tell your gf the complete truth at this point and tell her you are not a cuck or interested in being one. Reassure her your not a jealous bf and gotta tell her he is doing this probably to get his way to fuck her since he will kick you out if he doesnt fuck her. If that doesnt work honestly she for the streets amd you will regret it and she might as well
Yea I tried to talk to her some more but it's like I'm hitting a wall with this. She thinks it's just an act and that she makes me happy with it. I think I will be moving out but this won't fix the problem. He has her contacts now and she already agreed on the date..
I'm thinking about maybe having someone else contact her to tell her what a piece of shit he is and that she should stay away from him since she doesn't wanna listen to me or rather thinks this is an act. I think this could work like I said she's very gullible with stuff like this
Yea I tried to talk to her some more but it's like I'm hitting a wall with this. She thinks it's just an act and that she makes me happy with it. I think I will be moving out but this won't fix the problem. He has her contacts now and she already agreed on the date..
I'm thinking about maybe having someone else contact her to tell her what a piece of shit he is and that she should stay away from him since she doesn't wanna listen to me or rather thinks this is an act. I think this could work like I said she's very and ruin his life
First of all I'm not a cuck and I'd prefer not to become one. I'm currently living with a flatmate because of college and he asked me if he can msg my girlfriend because he wants to get me a birthday present and wants to surprise me with it so he would like to get her input on the gift. I said sure why not and he told me to just tell her that he is gonna hit her up and that I don't wanna know what they talk about but that I'm fine with it. So I did that and then a day later she asked me if I really don't wanna know what they talk about and if I'm really fine with it. I said sure. Because I thought it's about the birthday surprise like he said.
But it got me a little suspicious and was wondering why she asks me like that. When she went to take a shower I took her phone and read the messages and he told her that my secret fantasy is being cucked and that I want him to hook up with her but that I am ashamed and embarrassed to tell her. He told her that I want to hear it from him and when ever I talk to her about it or if I get jealous one day and be angry I would just pretending because that's my kink to be the jealous bf. He also told her that they should record it when they hook up so I can watch it when ever I am not with her.
My girlfriend isn't the brightest I must say. I mean I love her more than anything and I would never leave her no matter what but she is unfortunately also pretty gullible. She didn't believe him at first but then he talked her into believing it and she also somewhat got the confirmation from me about it when she asked me those questions and I thought it was about my birthday gift..
She told him that she isn't sure if she should go all the way with him but that she thinks she would do it for me if I really want this (I DON'T!!!). He told her that's fine and offered her a first date to get to know each other. She agreed to this.. They will go on their first date this saturday.
I tried to tell her that I know that she's going on a date with him and that I don't want her to go and that I don't want him anywhere near him but she just took it as me pretending to be the jealous bf like he told her and she just winked at me and said sure she won't go.
I really don't know what to do now. I feel powerless. I tried to confront him but he's just being an utter dick about it and says if I have problem I can move out.
Thats where I am at right now. I don't know what I do now to stop this. The worst part is that I think that my girlfriend is just genuinely doing it to make me happy and that this guy is getting his way with her because of it
any advice of what I can or should do is appreciated im a bit stunlocked and overwhelmed with all this
Wow, sounds like its waay out of ur control, and she intends to fuck him "for sure" and he will have his bare naked cock up inside her sweet hot yearning pussy Soon, and the start of her hooked on sex with him, U know he will be telling her that your biggest Thrill is finding her deep seeded full of cum,. I hope you adjust Quick, your true love for her Will accept her hot swollen messy pussy as your 'meant 2b life with her' search your sole , you want her forever and love she will be thinking its for you until she learns she Loves n craves more than 1 cock,. DM me, ive had 3 wifes and had it both ways,


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