This is an excerpt from ‘Obsession,’ a much longer accounting I’ve published on Literotica. It focuses on adult book store activity in our earlier married life.
My obsession over my wife KK engaging in sex with other men began as the result of her infidelity, and related emotional trauma. The initial events took place during my undergraduate, college years. The triggering event was KK's decision to break off our engagement - a traumatic, heart-breaking moment for me.
During that period, I developed a growing, decidedly perverse obsession over thoughts, visualizations; scenes I imagined, thinking of KK having sex with other guys. These thoughts were based on suspicion, some on innuendo, some just on logic, given the experiential knowledge of KK's personality and needs. Those feelings intensified throughout the period of our break-up.
For a very long time, the only way I was able to achieve orgasm, and cum was thinking about KK fucking other men.
Eventually, we got back together. KK and I resumed our engagement, we got married shortly after completing our undergraduate programs. There was possibly a relatively short window in time, six to eight months, in the period just prior to the wedding, through the first several months of married life, during which I was relatively free of the obsession. That did not last.
Setting other details aside, the "perverse" obsession returned. It was a sort of gradual thing, like a day becoming slowly overcast. The obsessive thoughts of KK having sex with another man returned as a sort of simmering, ephemeral wisp of mental imagery during sex.
The accounting behind the "dam burst" event which revived my obsession, begins in the context of this narrative. KK and I were doing well in our early married life. We were enjoying frequent, "dirty" married sex, in its full bloom, still relative newlyweds, fucking like bunnies.
Beyond "vanilla sex," KK and I in that newlywed era explored all of our deviant, kinky interests; porn, sex toys, different positions, venues, and so on.
I was relatively inexperienced, admittedly naive about many things, in denial about others, including my understanding, let alone acceptance of some aspects of KK's personality and psychological make-up. I was also focused on early career, the aspiration for professional, as well as financial success.
Through my job, I had been granted use of a VHS recorder/player, allowed to take it home to view work-related recordings for analysis and research purposes. In that era, VCR's and players were a relative luxury, expensive, in a sense primitive by contemporary standards.
I'd had the VCR at home for about a month. Up to that point, it had only been used for work-related purposes. A couple of times, KK wheedled about watching something fun on it, but we'd not exercised it for entertainment purposes.
One evening, KK and I were watching the local news on TV. There was a piece about crackdowns on adult-oriented businesses in town, including a strip joint, and an adult bookstore. The strip joint was in violation of a local proximity and zoning ordinance, too close to a church that had moved into the vicinity, in which the club had been operating for a half-decade. The adult bookstore (ABS) was notorious as a property of nuisance; frequent law enforcement visits related to public lewdness reports, altercations involving ...... and alcohol use, assault, robbery, and other issues.
The news report seemed to garner undue attention and interest from KK. At the time, I had no idea why, no insight. Youth and inexperience likely, I was curious about KK's discussion:
"Baby, have you ever been to one of those places?"
At first, I was unable to come up with a response. I hedged, "What places?"
KK's facial expression was hard to characterize, kind of a sneer/smirk, her lips pursed, jaw set, "You know what I'm asking... Don't lie. Have you ever been to one of those places? Tell me..."
After a long silent pause, I decided to play her game. "Yes. I've been."
KK said, "Really? You've been to a titty bar? To a porn shop? Really?"
Another pause, after collecting my thoughts, "Yes, I've been to a strip joint, and to an adult bookstore."
KK's response was oddly rapid, "Would you take me to one of those bookstores? If I wanna go? What's inside them?"
I responded, "Magazines, video tapes, movie booths, sex toys..."
My response led to a barrage of questions, almost James Joyce style, stream of consciousness, a flow of unpunctuated inquiry about the adult book store (ABS) environment. It was all I could do to mentally keep up with the flow of her questions. In the end, I agreed to take her for a visit - to satisfy her unexpected curiosity.
During the week, on the way home from work, I stopped to scout the ABS in question - leg work to check the place out before I fully committed to taking KK for a visit. The scouting trip went as expected, and other than being cautious, I decided it was probably okay for KK and I to explore it in more depth.
The following Saturday night, we made a "date" to visit the ABS that I'd scouted earlier in the week. KK was on pins and needles the entire day. We had dinner out, as preamble, including a couple of glasses of wine for KK - liquid courage. The drive from the restaurant to the ABS was short.
The venue was in a sort of rundown, seedy strip mall. It was dusk, not quite fully dark. KK said, "What if somebody we know sees us?"
I said, "That's not likely, but if they do, what are they doing here?"
That seemed to quench her concern, at least in the moment. We parked, but not directly in front of the ABS, deciding to walk the distance to the entrance. KK had my hand in hers, a near vice-grip. My beautiful, young wife was wearing jeans, a sweater, a pair of white, low-heel pumps - not outrageously, "fuck me" attention-getting, but subtly sexy, sort of innocent.
Inside, we were met by a sort of barricade - a clerk manning a desk, with a swinging, token operated gate adjacent. It was reminiscent of a public transit turnstile. Both KK and I were nervous, likely for different reasons. The clerk was surly, silent. The hand-drawn signage read: "Two tokens / $2.50"
The hand-scrawled sign on the turnstile read: "Entry fee 2 tokens. Ladies free."
On my scouting visit, I discovered that everything except for merchandise sales was token-based.
I decided to test the waters so to speak, by purchasing four tokens, five bucks worth.
I knew that KK's entry was free, so the extra tokens were contingency - enough for watching five minutes of video in one of the booths, if KK felt daring enough. I had about $60 in cash with me, with the foreknowledge that the place was cash-and-carry, no checks or credit cards. I had the extra cash in case KK got interested in a toy or video.
I fished five bucks from my wallet, paid the clerk, who concluded the transaction on the cash register - the change dispenser emitted four tokens about the size of quarters. The clerk said, "She goes through first. Then you follow."
The clerk buzzed the turnstile's bolt, KK passed nervously through the gate, then turned facing me, waiting for me to pass through. I fed two tokens into the slot on the turnstile, heard the bolt buzz as it unlatched, then made my way through.
The merchandise operation in the front-end was mixed; crappy, cheesy, but overpriced lingerie, sex toys, magazines, and video tapes (this was pre-digital era). The media merchandise was organized as "straight," "gay," "bisexual," including a tiny section, in one corner of the room as "transsexual." The straight/gay content was predominant, the bi/trans stuff a small fraction of the merchandise.
KK was visibly nervous, but clearly aroused, stimulated by the environment. She quipped, "It smells weird in here..."
The scent, a blend of bleach, disinfectant, and cum was indeed notable in the air. We wandered the front end of the store, at first alone, other than the surly, disinterested clerk. Things seemed a little off, given the number of vehicles parked in front. Intuitively, I figured most of the patrons were in the back.
During my scouting operation, I discovered that there were at least two-dozen video viewing booths in the back. There were also two larger rooms, configured as small, open-seating theaters. During my scouting, both were empty - one was apparently intended as a "straight" environment, the other "gay," each with three rows of five seats, a projection screen, otherwise spartan.
Over the next several minutes, patrons came and went, making their way from the video booth area to the exit, or from the turnstile to the booths. Going and coming, everyone took note of KK, pausing to get a long, long look at my beautiful young wife - a relative rarity (at least likely so) in an ABS. A few times, KK blushed from the attention. We'd been there maybe fifteen minutes when a gnarly looking character entered the merchandise section, "browsing." He was mostly shadowing us, ogling KK.
The attention he was giving KK was weirdly hot. A couple of minutes later, KK pulled one of the boxed VHS tapes from the rack, exclaiming, "Let's get this one baby... looks hot and sexy! Can we? Can we?"
She was emphatic about it - in the time, at $35, it was something I'd considered expensive. I indulged her. We made the awkward trip to the counter, finally got the clerk's attention, me handing him four tens. I got back four tokens as change, with the tape in an opaque, thin plastic bag.
KK and I made our exit. On the drive home, KK had the tape out of the bag, examining it over and over, front and back, in the dim light through the car windows. She almost sprinted from the car to the house when we finally got in the driveway, hurrying inside with the tape.
By the time I caught up with her, she was fumbling around - KK had the plastic over-wrap off the cassette, out of its sleeve, trying to figure out how to put it in the VCR. I distracted her, asked her to go fix us a drink and roll a joint, to enjoy while we watched.
It was the first porno we ever watched together. The title KK'd selected was "Sex Boat" - this was an 80s feature in VHS... it's now a vintage classic, campy script and all. Thematically, the story's based on husbands who send their cheating wives on an all-female cruise as "punishment." Somehow two dudes stow away on the ship, eventually "heroically" saving the crew and passengers from traffickers/pirates/slavers (costumed as stereotypical pirates, including a hook and eye-patch in at least one case).
I had no idea why KK selected this video, at least not at the time. In retrospect, it was likely some sort of signaling, at least at a subliminal, if not overt level. I was just too inexperienced, lacking the insight to understand it all.
Once KK got back to the den with cocktails and a couple of fat joints, I started the tape. We were snuggled together on the loveseat, enjoying the refreshments as the scene opened.
The opener is two related scenes "mashed" together. The unsuspecting, cheating wife rolls up home in her Corvette, finds her husband, and her lover in a tense situation in what appears to be a den, study, or library. There's confrontation, anger, threats on the part of the husband, begging, pleading, looking for an out on the part of the cheating wife and her lover.
The husband forces his wife and her lover to have sex, while he watches, photographs, commenting on the situation. The first part of the opener concludes with the lover's money shot, a combined blowjob/facial cum shot. The husband ejects his wife's lover, chasing him off butt-naked.
The second half of the scene starts with the husband dragging his naked wife out of the house, to the pool/grotto area in back, tying her up, as she resists the entire time, forsing his bound wife to watch him have sex with two young women.
I'll spare the remainder. Suffice to say, the cheating, adulterous, hot wife aspect was pretty clear. We didn't make it through the entire video. KK replicated parts of what she watched on tape, using me as a toy.
All at once, those feelings, the obsession were back in full forse. The combination of the ABS visit, watching the dirty porno with KK, and the sex that followed were a trigger for me. After it was all over, both KK and I were a little stoned, a little ......, and exhausted. We ended up in bed, KK dead to the world, ......, me fitful, anxious, fixated on what had transpired.
Unable to ......, the anxiety drove me into a masturbation session, envisioning KK in the role of the cheating wife, "forced" to have sex with her lover while I watched. The resultant orgasm and ejaculation were powerful, intense, explosive. The relief and release allowed me to finally fall asleep.
Although the VHS tape is long since gone, KK and I still watch this on "Porn Night" a couple of times a year, streaming it from our digital archive.
My obsession over my wife KK engaging in sex with other men began as the result of her infidelity, and related emotional trauma. The initial events took place during my undergraduate, college years. The triggering event was KK's decision to break off our engagement - a traumatic, heart-breaking moment for me.
During that period, I developed a growing, decidedly perverse obsession over thoughts, visualizations; scenes I imagined, thinking of KK having sex with other guys. These thoughts were based on suspicion, some on innuendo, some just on logic, given the experiential knowledge of KK's personality and needs. Those feelings intensified throughout the period of our break-up.
For a very long time, the only way I was able to achieve orgasm, and cum was thinking about KK fucking other men.
Eventually, we got back together. KK and I resumed our engagement, we got married shortly after completing our undergraduate programs. There was possibly a relatively short window in time, six to eight months, in the period just prior to the wedding, through the first several months of married life, during which I was relatively free of the obsession. That did not last.
Setting other details aside, the "perverse" obsession returned. It was a sort of gradual thing, like a day becoming slowly overcast. The obsessive thoughts of KK having sex with another man returned as a sort of simmering, ephemeral wisp of mental imagery during sex.
The accounting behind the "dam burst" event which revived my obsession, begins in the context of this narrative. KK and I were doing well in our early married life. We were enjoying frequent, "dirty" married sex, in its full bloom, still relative newlyweds, fucking like bunnies.
Beyond "vanilla sex," KK and I in that newlywed era explored all of our deviant, kinky interests; porn, sex toys, different positions, venues, and so on.
I was relatively inexperienced, admittedly naive about many things, in denial about others, including my understanding, let alone acceptance of some aspects of KK's personality and psychological make-up. I was also focused on early career, the aspiration for professional, as well as financial success.
Through my job, I had been granted use of a VHS recorder/player, allowed to take it home to view work-related recordings for analysis and research purposes. In that era, VCR's and players were a relative luxury, expensive, in a sense primitive by contemporary standards.
I'd had the VCR at home for about a month. Up to that point, it had only been used for work-related purposes. A couple of times, KK wheedled about watching something fun on it, but we'd not exercised it for entertainment purposes.
One evening, KK and I were watching the local news on TV. There was a piece about crackdowns on adult-oriented businesses in town, including a strip joint, and an adult bookstore. The strip joint was in violation of a local proximity and zoning ordinance, too close to a church that had moved into the vicinity, in which the club had been operating for a half-decade. The adult bookstore (ABS) was notorious as a property of nuisance; frequent law enforcement visits related to public lewdness reports, altercations involving ...... and alcohol use, assault, robbery, and other issues.
The news report seemed to garner undue attention and interest from KK. At the time, I had no idea why, no insight. Youth and inexperience likely, I was curious about KK's discussion:
"Baby, have you ever been to one of those places?"
At first, I was unable to come up with a response. I hedged, "What places?"
KK's facial expression was hard to characterize, kind of a sneer/smirk, her lips pursed, jaw set, "You know what I'm asking... Don't lie. Have you ever been to one of those places? Tell me..."
After a long silent pause, I decided to play her game. "Yes. I've been."
KK said, "Really? You've been to a titty bar? To a porn shop? Really?"
Another pause, after collecting my thoughts, "Yes, I've been to a strip joint, and to an adult bookstore."
KK's response was oddly rapid, "Would you take me to one of those bookstores? If I wanna go? What's inside them?"
I responded, "Magazines, video tapes, movie booths, sex toys..."
My response led to a barrage of questions, almost James Joyce style, stream of consciousness, a flow of unpunctuated inquiry about the adult book store (ABS) environment. It was all I could do to mentally keep up with the flow of her questions. In the end, I agreed to take her for a visit - to satisfy her unexpected curiosity.
During the week, on the way home from work, I stopped to scout the ABS in question - leg work to check the place out before I fully committed to taking KK for a visit. The scouting trip went as expected, and other than being cautious, I decided it was probably okay for KK and I to explore it in more depth.
The following Saturday night, we made a "date" to visit the ABS that I'd scouted earlier in the week. KK was on pins and needles the entire day. We had dinner out, as preamble, including a couple of glasses of wine for KK - liquid courage. The drive from the restaurant to the ABS was short.
The venue was in a sort of rundown, seedy strip mall. It was dusk, not quite fully dark. KK said, "What if somebody we know sees us?"
I said, "That's not likely, but if they do, what are they doing here?"
That seemed to quench her concern, at least in the moment. We parked, but not directly in front of the ABS, deciding to walk the distance to the entrance. KK had my hand in hers, a near vice-grip. My beautiful, young wife was wearing jeans, a sweater, a pair of white, low-heel pumps - not outrageously, "fuck me" attention-getting, but subtly sexy, sort of innocent.
Inside, we were met by a sort of barricade - a clerk manning a desk, with a swinging, token operated gate adjacent. It was reminiscent of a public transit turnstile. Both KK and I were nervous, likely for different reasons. The clerk was surly, silent. The hand-drawn signage read: "Two tokens / $2.50"
The hand-scrawled sign on the turnstile read: "Entry fee 2 tokens. Ladies free."
On my scouting visit, I discovered that everything except for merchandise sales was token-based.
I decided to test the waters so to speak, by purchasing four tokens, five bucks worth.
I knew that KK's entry was free, so the extra tokens were contingency - enough for watching five minutes of video in one of the booths, if KK felt daring enough. I had about $60 in cash with me, with the foreknowledge that the place was cash-and-carry, no checks or credit cards. I had the extra cash in case KK got interested in a toy or video.
I fished five bucks from my wallet, paid the clerk, who concluded the transaction on the cash register - the change dispenser emitted four tokens about the size of quarters. The clerk said, "She goes through first. Then you follow."
The clerk buzzed the turnstile's bolt, KK passed nervously through the gate, then turned facing me, waiting for me to pass through. I fed two tokens into the slot on the turnstile, heard the bolt buzz as it unlatched, then made my way through.
The merchandise operation in the front-end was mixed; crappy, cheesy, but overpriced lingerie, sex toys, magazines, and video tapes (this was pre-digital era). The media merchandise was organized as "straight," "gay," "bisexual," including a tiny section, in one corner of the room as "transsexual." The straight/gay content was predominant, the bi/trans stuff a small fraction of the merchandise.
KK was visibly nervous, but clearly aroused, stimulated by the environment. She quipped, "It smells weird in here..."
The scent, a blend of bleach, disinfectant, and cum was indeed notable in the air. We wandered the front end of the store, at first alone, other than the surly, disinterested clerk. Things seemed a little off, given the number of vehicles parked in front. Intuitively, I figured most of the patrons were in the back.
During my scouting operation, I discovered that there were at least two-dozen video viewing booths in the back. There were also two larger rooms, configured as small, open-seating theaters. During my scouting, both were empty - one was apparently intended as a "straight" environment, the other "gay," each with three rows of five seats, a projection screen, otherwise spartan.
Over the next several minutes, patrons came and went, making their way from the video booth area to the exit, or from the turnstile to the booths. Going and coming, everyone took note of KK, pausing to get a long, long look at my beautiful young wife - a relative rarity (at least likely so) in an ABS. A few times, KK blushed from the attention. We'd been there maybe fifteen minutes when a gnarly looking character entered the merchandise section, "browsing." He was mostly shadowing us, ogling KK.
The attention he was giving KK was weirdly hot. A couple of minutes later, KK pulled one of the boxed VHS tapes from the rack, exclaiming, "Let's get this one baby... looks hot and sexy! Can we? Can we?"
She was emphatic about it - in the time, at $35, it was something I'd considered expensive. I indulged her. We made the awkward trip to the counter, finally got the clerk's attention, me handing him four tens. I got back four tokens as change, with the tape in an opaque, thin plastic bag.
KK and I made our exit. On the drive home, KK had the tape out of the bag, examining it over and over, front and back, in the dim light through the car windows. She almost sprinted from the car to the house when we finally got in the driveway, hurrying inside with the tape.
By the time I caught up with her, she was fumbling around - KK had the plastic over-wrap off the cassette, out of its sleeve, trying to figure out how to put it in the VCR. I distracted her, asked her to go fix us a drink and roll a joint, to enjoy while we watched.
It was the first porno we ever watched together. The title KK'd selected was "Sex Boat" - this was an 80s feature in VHS... it's now a vintage classic, campy script and all. Thematically, the story's based on husbands who send their cheating wives on an all-female cruise as "punishment." Somehow two dudes stow away on the ship, eventually "heroically" saving the crew and passengers from traffickers/pirates/slavers (costumed as stereotypical pirates, including a hook and eye-patch in at least one case).
I had no idea why KK selected this video, at least not at the time. In retrospect, it was likely some sort of signaling, at least at a subliminal, if not overt level. I was just too inexperienced, lacking the insight to understand it all.
Once KK got back to the den with cocktails and a couple of fat joints, I started the tape. We were snuggled together on the loveseat, enjoying the refreshments as the scene opened.
The opener is two related scenes "mashed" together. The unsuspecting, cheating wife rolls up home in her Corvette, finds her husband, and her lover in a tense situation in what appears to be a den, study, or library. There's confrontation, anger, threats on the part of the husband, begging, pleading, looking for an out on the part of the cheating wife and her lover.
The husband forces his wife and her lover to have sex, while he watches, photographs, commenting on the situation. The first part of the opener concludes with the lover's money shot, a combined blowjob/facial cum shot. The husband ejects his wife's lover, chasing him off butt-naked.
The second half of the scene starts with the husband dragging his naked wife out of the house, to the pool/grotto area in back, tying her up, as she resists the entire time, forsing his bound wife to watch him have sex with two young women.
I'll spare the remainder. Suffice to say, the cheating, adulterous, hot wife aspect was pretty clear. We didn't make it through the entire video. KK replicated parts of what she watched on tape, using me as a toy.
All at once, those feelings, the obsession were back in full forse. The combination of the ABS visit, watching the dirty porno with KK, and the sex that followed were a trigger for me. After it was all over, both KK and I were a little stoned, a little ......, and exhausted. We ended up in bed, KK dead to the world, ......, me fitful, anxious, fixated on what had transpired.
Unable to ......, the anxiety drove me into a masturbation session, envisioning KK in the role of the cheating wife, "forced" to have sex with her lover while I watched. The resultant orgasm and ejaculation were powerful, intense, explosive. The relief and release allowed me to finally fall asleep.
Although the VHS tape is long since gone, KK and I still watch this on "Porn Night" a couple of times a year, streaming it from our digital archive.