For those of you who have seen my posts probably have figured out that I enjoy DVP. This morning Bob called out to me from the living room and said they've changer the DVP rules. I said "What rules?" "Maximum of seven minutes" he said. "That doesn't make sense and who's going to enforce it?" "They will have cameras". By this time he couldn't hold it any longer and cracked up. He was referring to the Damaged Vehicle Policy in NASCAR racing but he knew where my mind would go. 😳
OK, back to the real DVP. Ladies, how many of you have tried DVP and did you enjoy it? Personally, I love it as long as the two guys aren't too big. If I'm fortunate the two of them will cum at the same time.
OK, back to the real DVP. Ladies, how many of you have tried DVP and did you enjoy it? Personally, I love it as long as the two guys aren't too big. If I'm fortunate the two of them will cum at the same time.