So, it's the morning after my wedding and we're up early and hustling to get packed and head out from this b and b for our drive to Mendocino, where we were staying in yet another b and b....this time for several days as we honeymooned in the area. I hadn't even had time to reflect on the night was a go go morning. We got loaded up and started our journey out of town and headed toward the north and the beautiful Mendocino coastline. Eventually we got settled in for the drive, put CD's on the radio and chatted about the wedding and all of the events surrounding it. We gradually calmed down after a few hours, hubby driving and me reading. I hadn't been married but a few hours when I let another man fuck me, on my wedding day, before my husband! It just didn't seem to bother me at all.
The hours passed and my anticipation of arriving at the b and b was rising. Hubby was resting now in the passenger seat and I was driving in the sunshine through the beautiful woods south of Mendocino. I was in total bliss. Now I was thinking about the day before, not the wedding, but being unfaithful with my husband's friend. I kept telling myself I didn't want to be and unfaithful wife and that this was no big deal....after all....I was still soaking wet just reliving it. I thought about my poor husband, who went above and beyond to pleasure me after another man had just cum inside he didn't know....and how it was a very dominant feeling of excitement for me....I held this power over him. The last thing I was would be regretful! I didn't want to be a cheating wife, but I had already become one....and it wasn't going to stop there...because I was squeezing my legs together as he slept in the passenger seat....I was thinking about what was to come when we arrived in Mendocino.
I had taken a trip to Mendocino and brought my sister along to check out the b and b I was considering booking for my husband and I for our honeymoon. We had plans to stay at a regular hotel while we were there because it was way too expensive to stay in the b and b. We arrived at the hotel, unloaded our things and then traveled the short distance to the fantastic house. It was stunning as we drove up. We met Dave (a ruggedly handsome California boy of late 30's in age) and Flavia, his Brazilian wife, probably early thirties....a stunning latin beauty! They showed us around the house, an amazing place and the grounds....with stunning views of the coastline off of the cliffs. This was a gorgeous place. I was very young, very inexperienced and the hosts were much older, but I really had picked up on some sort of flirtatious energy they had between one another and clearly their interest in me. It wasn't creepy or anything...they were masters of sensual communication using just body language, facial expressions and skillfully stated words. I felt at ease with them and thought they would be fun to hang out with for my new husband and me. They seemed to be a very sexually liberated couple and I have no idea why I felt that way.
Flavia explained to me that Dave was a skilled photographer and had a studio in the house as well as kept busy taking photos of the area which they sold downstairs at the house and in local shops in town. Flavia loved gardening and had an amazing rose garden. My sister loves gardening but I'm not that interested so Flavia suggested that she take my sister on a tour of the garden. That left Dave and me alone inside where Flavia had suggested he show me the studio and some antiques and photographs back in the private residence portion of the home after showing me the "honeymoon suite" and its amenities. Flavia and my sister took off, and now I was alone with Dave. The hosts had offered my sister and me a couple of glasses of fine California wine as we were getting aquainted. I hadn't eaten recently and was feeling pretty hungry....and after a glass and a half of wine...I was feeling a bit uninhibited and warm. He offered me his hand and led me up the beautiful staircase to the room upstairs. I actually started to feel a twinge between my legs as his hand held my confidently and he boldly led me up the stairs. The conversation had started to get a bit sexual in a way, especially when we entered the honeymoon suite. He was excited as we entered and the effect of the gorgeous room hit me. It was amazing and he enjoyed that I was so enamored of it. He unabashedly got closer and used his hands on my shoulders and waist to show me various art and antique works. He was behind me, his crotch on my ass, his face by my ear softly explaining the more romantic features and boldly describing the others. He was good. I was being seduced without even knowing it! I loved it....but I was getting married soon and was going to let this only go so far as to make us both really horny!