C's Naughty Journey Begins

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What follows is a recounting of a fling my wife confessed to me back in the mid-90s. Over the course of the years, at my request, she has filled in many of the details such was what she was wearing, where they were, who they were with, etc. She also filled in details which I believe are even more important, what she was thinking, what she was feeling, what the experience was like. She also filled in details she got from her lover such as his background and what he was thinking/feeling. All these details are now seared in my brain. At the time she did this, she was cheating. She did not have my permission to “sport fuck” or “get some on the side.” When she first shared this story, it made my gut clench. It made my gut clench, but it also made my cock hard enough to cut diamonds. After she told it, we fucked. And fucked. And fucked. Every time she tells me the details or recounts this story, we fuck. Even now, almost 40 years after the event.

Subsequent to her confessing, I have come to grips with the experience (and others which she also recounted). I realized that she wasn’t seeking romance, she was seeking sex. Pure and simple. She was looking for an organic, self-powered, autonomously operating dildo. Someone to scratch the itch between her legs. I was her romance, her life partner, the one to whom she will always return.

When I accepted that, I realized that as long as she always came back, I was actually pretty good with this arrangement. We subsequently had about a decade of happy shared pleasure before things ended and she no longer desired to play. I wish I had been a knowledgeable participant from the beginning!

This story is my original work. It is what would be considered "historical fiction." Historical fiction stories are based on the known facts with details added to fill in the gaps and make the facts tie together better. Some examples might be created dialog to match the situation or descriptions of clothing or locations that are consistent with the actual location but not necessarily exact. I wouldn't need to resort to historical fiction if I had an actual video tape or recording. As it is, the event itself is real and I have documented the facts as they were described to me.

The story is long and detailed. I've had several trusted members review the story and all said it may be too long for this site. Though it was recommended, I did not edit out the details because I want you to be able to experience it as if you were actually there and, for that, details matter. Finally, I am going to be dispensing it in readable chunks over multiple days. I hope you will be patient and bear with me. The story actually has 4 parts. This is the first and only part I have written to date. If you like it, I will add the additional parts. Prove to me that the members here are not like a bunch of Golden Retrievers at a squirrel convention and stick with me to the end.

I welcome your comments and feedback but I ask that you be considerate. I may do a poll at the end to get an overall impression of whether I should consider continuing to write stories or stick with my day job as a rubish collector... I'm particularly interested in whether it got you off and whether you are male, female, or a couple.

This story is copyrighted. I share it with visitors to WifeWantsToPlay.com for your personal use and enjoyment but it is not for sharing beyond this site. If I find it elsewhere, I will pursue appropriate remedies to have it removed and to be compensated for its distribution. That said, I hope it brings you many mind-blowing orgasms! 69jd69, 19 Oct 2021.

Here goes...
Where to begin when there are so many beginnings? This is the story of how my sexy little slut wife began her extramarital sexcapades. Though, as I later discovered, she had started long before. This was just the beginning of a new phase. Let me set the stage and define the players.

The time is the mid-80s. My wife C and I live on a military base in the Far East. I’ve been stationed there for about two years on a three-year tour. Mid-tour, I went back to the States, married my honey and brought her to the Far East with me. There’s lots (and lots) to tell about her and about our relationship before marriage and her joining me overseas, but that is for another time and story

C was 20 years old. We met when she was 18, soon to turn 19. She was a college student at a major Southern university that had a campus in the small town where I was stationed for training. I’m several years older than her and did not know at the time that she was only 18. Would it have made a difference? Maybe, maybe not.

C is 5’ 6” tall and, at the time, weighed about 120 pounds (54 kg). She had dark chestnut hair that was cut short in what I believe they call a pixie cut or maybe a bob or something similar. If you want to get an idea of what I’m talking about, see the picture I attached. She was very pretty in a girl-next-door way. I liken her to UK Duchess Kate Middleton, very wholesome yet extremely desirable. Definitely someone that instinctively you want to mate (no offense meant for my Brit readers!) Some months after she arrived, her best friend on the base confided to her that when C first arrived, she thought she was a model. I have good taste.

This picture is not my wife but looks very close to what she looked like at the time. This girl's hair is a little longer but she has the same dark eyes, dark hair, and physique as C. This picture is from the internet. I use it for illustration and will remove it if asked.

C was slender and fit, with intense dark brown eyes that sparkled. She had a slender waist, narrow hips, and a tight little bubble butt that felt perfect in your hands, like two volleyball halves, nice and firm with no flab. Her breasts were 32 - 34 inches with B-C size cups, very firm and perky and had two gumdrop nipples that I swear were hard-wired to her clit. I could make her cum just from squeezing them and pinching her nipples, they were that sensitive.

Between her legs she had the prettiest little pussy. Her labia were small and didn’t protrude which is exactly how I like them. It was a perfect little peach ready to lick. She had the softest patch of neatly trimmed jet-black hair on her mound that I loved to nuzzle, and she always smelled so good and was so very juicy.

This picture is also from the internet. This young woman's little bush is exactly like C's was. Soft and dark black.

On the date of this story I, along with my entire unit, was deployed to Korea for a major exercise. Remember, this was back during the Cold War and the US and Allies conducted huge exercises annually. While we and a couple other units from our station were deployed forward, the rest of our units were participating in the same exercise from home station. Bottom-line, everyone on the post was involved and busy. This big exercise lasted an entire month. Since all the husbands were away or in the middle of the exercise, many of the wives took advantage of the situation and traveled. C’s best friend took her kids and went home to the States to see family for a couple weeks. Most of her other friends who didn’t have children went on Officers Wives Club sponsored tours of the Far East to places like Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, and Bangkok.

In most cases, the families with kids stayed at home station. Being much younger than most of these wives, and with no children, she really didn’t have much in common with them. They were all consumed with taking care of the children in the absence of their husbands.

Unfortunately for C, before I would let her drop out of college, marry, and move to the Far East, I made her promise to complete her undergraduate education. Our station had a branch of the University of Maryland, Far East Division. At the time of this story, she was mid-semester and had classes to attend.

Also, our unit had a detachment that we continuously manned in Korea, so we (the husbands) spent a lot of time away from home station. To help fill her days while I was away, C took a position as a pre-school aide in the base school. The combination of college classes and job meant that she had responsibilities she couldn’t abandon. Thus, she couldn’t button up the house and depart for crazy times with her girlfriends as they spent all their husbands hard earned TDY pay. It’s also why, in the middle of the week, in the Spring of the year, in the mid-80s, she was sitting alone eating her dinner in the casual bar in the Officers Mess.

C wasn’t at the Mess to get crazy; she was just there for a meal she didn’t have to make for herself. Maybe she thought, she might even find a friendly face that she might dine with before heading home. When she got home, she had an exciting evening to look forward…homework, maybe watch a show on the only English language television channel (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service - AFRTS) for a bit, or ready a trashy romance novel and jill herself to sleep. Fate however, had a different plan.

On this particular day, fate had decided it would deploy a squadron of Marine fighter aircraft (F-4 Phantoms) to the station to support the exercise. Once these Marines landed and got settled, the aircrew had some free time to kill before bedding down for the night. It had been a long journey and they needed to let off a little steam because the next day they would join the exercise in earnest.

Now if you know anything about military flying units in the 80s, especially fighter squadrons, you know they were manned by a bunch of horndogs and those horndogs liked nothing better than visiting another duty station, going to the Officers Mess or into town, and seeing whose wives and girlfriends they might be able to corrupt. This was especially true if the deployment duty station belonged to a different branch of the Services, as ours did. I know this for truth because in our service, we were the same. We liked nothing more than flying into Miramar MCAS while the fleet was out and the wives were home…

More to come...
What follows is a recounting of a fling my wife confessed to me back in the mid-90s. Over the course of the years, at my request, she has filled in many of the details such was what she was wearing, where they were, who they were with, etc. She also filled in details which I believe are even more important, what she was thinking, what she was feeling, what the experience was like. She also filled in details she got from her lover such as his background and what he was thinking/feeling. All these details are now seared in my brain. At the time she did this, she was cheating. She did not have my permission to “sport fuck” or “get some on the side.” When she first shared this story, it made my gut clench. It made my gut clench, but it also made my cock hard enough to cut diamonds. After she told it, we fucked. And fucked. And fucked. Every time she tells me the details or recounts this story, we fuck. Even now, almost 40 years after the event.

Subsequent to her confessing, I have come to grips with the experience (and others which she also recounted). I realized that she wasn’t seeking romance, she was seeking sex. Pure and simple. She was looking for an organic, self-powered, autonomously operating dildo. Someone to scratch the itch between her legs. I was her romance, her life partner, the one to whom she will always return.

When I accepted that, I realized that as long as she always came back, I was actually pretty good with this arrangement. We subsequently had about a decade of happy shared pleasure before things ended and she no longer desired to play. I wish I had been a knowledgeable participant from the beginning!

This story is my original work. It is what would be considered "historical fiction." Historical fiction stories are based on the known facts with details added to fill in the gaps and make the facts tie together better. Some examples might be created dialog to match the situation or descriptions of clothing or locations that are consistent with the actual location but not necessarily exact. I wouldn't need to resort to historical fiction if I had an actual video tape or recording. As it is, the event itself is real and I have documented the facts as they were described to me.

The story is long and detailed. I've had several trusted members review the story and all said it may be too long for this site. Though it was recommended, I did not edit out the details because I want you to be able to experience it as if you were actually there and, for that, details matter. Finally, I am going to be dispensing it in readable chunks over multiple days. I hope you will be patient and bear with me. The story actually has 4 parts. This is the first and only part I have written to date. If you like it, I will add the additional parts. Prove to me that the members here are not like a bunch of Golden Retrievers at a squirrel convention and stick with me to the end.

I welcome your comments and feedback but I ask that you be considerate. I may do a poll at the end to get an overall impression of whether I should consider continuing to write stories or stick with my day job as a rubish collector... I'm particularly interested in whether it got you off and whether you are male, female, or a couple.

This story is copyrighted. I share it with visitors to WifeWantsToPlay.com for your personal use and enjoyment but it is not for sharing beyond this site. If I find it elsewhere, I will pursue appropriate remedies to have it removed and to be compensated for its distribution. That said, I hope it brings you many mind-blowing orgasms! 69jd69, 19 Oct 2021.

Here goes...
Is ur mrs sub? Im asking cos u say she didnt have ur "permission" you must have had an ownership vow included in ur wedding ceremony? And she said "yes".
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On this evening, the young flyers from the Marine squadron went en masse to the local Officers Mess to raise hell. What they didn’t anticipate was that the local units were already deeply involved in the exercise and the Mess was completely dead. Completely dead except for my wife C, who was enjoying a burger in the casual bar, and some old fuddy-duddy DoD (Department of Defense) schoolteachers, long past their use-by dates.

When the Marines got to the club and discovered that they had it to themselves, they resorted to the other thing that fighter-drivers did in the 80s, they decided to drink heavily.

As C was eating her meal, the Marines arrived and started making crazy. They immediately bought beers and shots and started drinking. Many decided they were hungry and ordered food. And, as is the custom in every fighter force in every country in the world, they started hitting on every person with two X-chromosomes they could find, including C. The asked if they could join her at her table. They asked her if they could by her drinks. They asked her if she would play pool or Crud with them. And they asked her if she would dance.

C was bored and alone. She didn’t want to be bored and alone. Here was an opportunity for a little innocent fun that she hadn’t expected and which probably wouldn’t occur again until after the end of the exercise in a couple weeks. So, she said yes. She didn’t plan to be naughty she told herself, she’d just have a few beers and hang out. Maybe she would show these young Marine A-V-A-TORS (that’s an Officer and a Gentleman reference for those of you old enough to remember it…) that she could play Crud (look it up in Wikipedia) with the best of them. After all, she had to uphold the honor of our service since none of us were there to do it ourselves.

To the credit of the Corps, although they were frisky, these fellows generally behaved themselves. Maybe it was because she looked like their hot kid sister or pretty young neighbor. Oh, they got close, they flirted, they brushed against her but, according to her retelling later, no one openly groped her which is probably a first in history (especially in the ‘80s) and worth noting.

C drank beer with them. She shot pool with them. She went crazy playing combat Crud with them. And she danced with them. As this was a weeknight, there was no band, only a juke box, but the guys keep it playing. They particularly enjoyed fast rock hits because they liked to watch her dance and twirl. On this day, since she hadn’t expected to be meeting anyone, she had worn a simple yellow sundress, small pearl stud earrings, a silver chain necklace with a cross, patterned socks, and a pair of pink Keds, which were her style signature. When she twirled and whirled, the dress would float up and show off her sexy legs. They played every fast song they could find, and she danced. She may have even twirled enough during “Born to Be Wild” that her dress floated up high enough to show off her little white cotton panties. And she told herself it might even have been an accident.

This is a picture taken from the internet. This is the view you might have seen while C was dancing, except that her dress was yellow.

For almost the entire evening, all the young flyers played rock music. Then one kid from Texas decided he wanted to play a little country, too. Well, that was just fine with C. She could two-step with the best of them and loved to spend an evening out at a country bar dancing. Where she grew up, that was what you did at all the watering holes, so C started dancing. Unfortunately, she was doing it alone since none of the boys joined her and you can’t really dance to country alone. As she was dancing, from out of the shadows came a tall dark figure. He came up behind her and stepped into line, placed his hands on her hips and started dancing with her. She was startled, turned to see who it was, and discovered that it was the Marine major who oversaw all these young flyers. He had been sitting off to the side in the shadows, drinking a beer and watching the fun. It was his responsibility to make sure that everyone behaved and didn’t get into trouble. For simplicity, we’ll call him J.

J was about 6ft 2 inches tall, solid as a rock, and black. C said that he looked like a cross between the singer Harry Belafonte and Idris Elba, very virile and very good looking. And he could country dance. She was surprised and pleased to have a partner and the two of them put on a bit of a show. When the others saw how good they were, they keep picking country songs on the juke box. They must have danced to 10 different songs when someone finally put on slow song. J made to excuse himself and sit when C said, “You can’t quit now, come on, dance with me.”

This is a picture of Idris Elba, taken from the internet. C said Marine Major J looked a lot like him only he was clean shaven and wearing a flight suit.

J said “okay” but was careful to not get too close or cozy. When they were done, he said “I need some fresh air and a cigarette”.

Although C didn’t smoke, she said “I could use one, too, do you mind if I join you?”

The casual bar at the Mess had a door that led out to the pool deck. It was about 10:00 PM and the evening had cooled to the point that the air was misty and thick. They looked around and found a bench area in a dark corner and went to sit. J sat first and discovered that the seat was damp with dew. Since C only had on her light sundress, he offered to let her sit on his knee so she wouldn’t have to sit on the damp seat. She sat down so that she was sitting on his right knee, with her legs between his legs. If you picture how a kid sits when telling his Christmas list to Santa, you have the right image. J lit up and started talking.

J, it turns out, was born in Texas, USA to Caribbean parents. His mother was a visiting college English literature professor and his father a well to do businessman. He had gone to excellent Catholic schools as a child and was quite well educated. His mother taught at a major university in Texas. As a result, he spoke perfect English with just a hint of an island accent. Living in Texas explained J’s ability to two-step.

C had also gone to Catholic school, so she found they had a lot of common experiences to discuss. J was quite well read and enjoyed many of the same classics she did. For university, he had been appointed to the US Naval Academy where he had graduated near the top of his class. Upon graduation, he selected assignment to the U.S. Marines. C was seriously impressed…and, despite her intentions to be faithful, very attracted.

As they were talking, C accidentally knocked J’s lighter off the bench. She got up to pick it up and when she went to sit again, rather than sitting on his knee, she was brazen and straddled his knees, facing him. To picture it, think cowgirl position, only fully clothed and sitting upright.

More to come...
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J was a bit surprised, but also pleased. Because of his rank and position, he was doing his damnedest to be the gentleman he (really) was. He was not going to make a move that could be misinterpreted and put everything at risk, despite how hot this little white minx looked and acted. That she made the first move made everything easier. It also helped that they were in a dark corner of the deck and could see into the Mess but could not be seen. That he had had four beers to adjust his perspective helped a bit, too.

As mentioned earlier, the young Marines with whom C had been dancing and playing Crud had made sure that C was never without a drink. Combine the stimulation from playing Crud, fast dancing, then getting close with an incredibly virile stud in a flight suit while slow dancing, and C was getting hot, in every way you can imagine... Now, here she was, alone in the dark with this very sexy, very virile, very educated gentleman, and her little kitty was starting to purr that it needed some attention.

When C straddled J to sit, she raised her skirt a bit and wrapped her legs around his waist, with her knees hanging off the back off the bench. She sat directly on his lap, facing him, with only her little white cotton panties between her kitty and his flight suit. They continued to share a cigarette (she had dropped hers while trying to pick up the lighter) and as she faced him, she started slowly rocking back and forth on his lap. This caused her panty covered clit to rub the rapidly growing lump in his flight suit and with each cycle, she got shot with what felt like an electric jolt straight to her tingling little clit.

As C continued to rock, her panties got moister and moister. Finally, since J wasn’t making any moves (had she misread him?), she realized that if she was going to get what she now so desperately needed, she had to take matters into her own hands. She rocked forward and as she did so, she leaned into him and pressed her lips to his. At first, J didn’t respond but she persisted and as she ran her lips across his, his lips parted, and he began to kiss her back. And boy could he kiss!

Soon, they were kissing like teenagers. C really likes to kiss. For her, kissing is like having her nipples tweaked. She gets little shocks straight to her clit. In short order, C had her first orgasm of the night, simply from kissing and rocking.

C rode out that orgasm and savored it. Then she got up, kneeled in front of J, and ran her hand over the huge bulge in his flight suit. She did that for about two minutes, then took the zipper of the flight suit and zipped it upward.

For those of you unfamiliar with flight suits, they are a one-piece coverall made of Nomex, a fire-resistant material. On the front there is a zipper that runs from the crotch to the neck and that zipper can be opened from the top or the bottom. You open from the top to step into it to put it on or remove it. You open from the bottom to provide access to your personal joystick so you can urinate without having to take the whole garment off.

Zipping up from the bottom has another useful purpose. It allows access to that same joystick for other happy purposes. C knew this because she had provided those same happy purposes to me, and as I discovered later, had also done so to others.

C unzipped J’s flight suit and discovered to her delight the longest, thickest penis she had ever touched poking out the top of his boxers. It was 8 or 9 inches long and so thick that when she tried to close her fingers around it there was about an inch (3 cm) gap between her fingertips.

This is a picture from the internet. Major J's cock was long and thick and probably looked a lot like this.

C was no stranger to large cocks. Her second lover (we’ll call him S), the guy who really opened her eyes (and legs) to the joy of teenage sex, was almost as large as J. He was enlisted military (J and I were officers). To supplement his income, S and his wife worked part time at a grocery in which C also worked. C had a developed a friendship with the couple and frequently babysat for them. Over the course of their acquaintance, S had managed to seduce her (not hard to do given how horny she always, in combination with some of the “intoxicants” he supplied) and introduce her to his impressive cock. Unbeknownst to S’s wife, C and S developed a long-term friends-with-benefits relationship that lasted until just before I moved her to the Far East. But that is also a story for another time.

On this particular evening, C took J’s impressive tool in her hand and stroked it. J leaned back with his head against the wall and moaned. Unlike many (most?) women, C does not particularly enjoy providing oral and she really does not enjoy getting a mouthful as a reward. On this night however, her primordial instincts kicked in and she could think of nothing she desired to do more than run her tongue down the length of that beautiful cock and then lick the drop of honey at the tip. Next, she ran her tongue around the head and back to the small slit in the middle. She tried to push the tip of her tongue into that slit. She licked back down the shaft and tried to suck on his balls. Unfortunately, the design of flight suits makes that difficult because when they are zipped from the bottom, the coverall is still over the shoulders, so the lower portion is pulled up into the crotch. That works fine for whipping your joystick out to ******** but makes getting down under to the balls challenging. Since that proved difficult, she licked back up and engulfed the head as best she could, while stroking and twisting the shaft. This elicited more moaning and hip thrusting from J, while also causing his cock to swell and lengthen even more.

This is a picture from the internet. This girl looks a lot like C. C probably looked a lot like this while sucking on Major J although Major J was wearing his flightsuit and C her yellow sun dress.

More to come...
Sensing how “strongly” J was responding, C decided to throttle back a little bit to make the fun last longer. She did not want this moment to end with a mouthful before she got a chance to take him for a ride, so she backed off and stood. J was leaned back as best he could against the wall, his hips forward and legs splayed with his very hard cock sticking out of his shorts, glistening from her spit.

C stood directly in front of him, between his splayed legs, and while looking him directly in the eyes, reached up under her dress and slowly slid down her very damp little cotton panties. She slipped them off her legs and set them on the bench beside J.

C moved forward and once again, stepped over his legs to straddle him, and settled herself down on his lap, as previously, in the upright cowgirl position facing him. Both gasped as her hot super wet little kitty contacted his hot super hard cock.

C put her hands on J’s shoulders and leaned in to kiss him. J in turn started exploring, running his hands up and down her back. He ran his hands up the front of her dress and fondled her firm braless breasts. He let his hands roam around her waist and down her back to grasp her firm little butt cheeks through her dress. His wife still had a nice body, but it was nothing like this!

C was so wet. She started rocking again, sliding her wet little pussy up and down the length of his shaft but not letting the head penetrate. She did this for several minutes, driving him crazy as he kept trying to thrust into her every time the head got close. Each time he did, she slid back down his cock, away from the head, and avoided penetration. Finally, with his cock completely slick with her natural lube, she slid a little further forward, felt the head poke at her hole, and slid backward to push it in. As she did, she triggered an orgasm that, had it been an earthquake, would have registered as a magnitude 7+ on the Richter scale. This proved to be the first of many.

As I mentioned previously, C’s former lover had introduced her to the pleasures of larger than average cocks. As wet and ready C was, she thought she could just push back and slide all the way down the shaft. When she did, she got quite a surprise and discovered how thick J really was. She let out a sound that was a cross between a gasp and a shout. Her stretching pussy burned like fire. She gasped again and clenched him tightly. He started to move and she said “no, stop.” He did, with his hard-on buried inside the snuggest little pussy he had ever tried and waited. Finally, after some deep breaths, C’s kitty started to relax.

This picture is from the internet. This the position in which C rode Major J except that they were outside and she was wearing her yellow sun dress and he was in his flight suit.

Slowly C started rocking back and forth just a bit and with each motion she relaxed a little more and the fire transformed into more electric jolts of pleasure. She felt fuller, more stuffed, than she had ever been. Soon she was able to slide the full length and J resumed thrusting, at first slowly, then with more speed. They quickly got into a rhythm and rocked together, her legs tight around his waist, her hands on the back of his neck, and her lips pressed to his. She says she lost all sense of time and of her surroundings. All that existed was them and the exceptional erotic pleasure they were experiencing. She has no concept of how long they kept this up or if anyone saw them. All she knows is that she kept having rolling wave after wave of orgasm.

This is a picture from the internet. This is exactly how C was sitting astride Major J. She was wearing her sun dress. If she had been nude this is how it would have looked. This girls tight little butt is exactly like C's. Major J's BBC probably stretched her like this one.
J was a married man. He had been married for 11 years to his Naval Academy sweetheart. They were genuinely in love and, despite his notorious profession (fighter jock) and his looks, the combination of which had provided numerous opportunities to stray, he had remained faithful. He had had every intention to remain faithful on this night as well and had actively practiced his resistance techniques. Now it was all for naught. Somehow this sexy little white kitten with the piercing dark eyes, perfect little ass, and the tightest little pussy he had ever experienced, was riding him to the climax of his life.

More to come...
As promised, the exciting conclusion to Season 1 of "C's Naughty Journey Begins"


Once C had climbed on and he had penetrated her, J gave up all pretense of trying to be chaste and decided to make the best of the situation and fuck her back with all the skill he had. It turns out his 11 years of marital practice had finely honed those skills and he put them all to use. He had developed a keen awareness of the responses his wife made to his various moves and would amplify those responses to great effect. Now he did the same to C, by tweaking her nipples, moving and shifting his hips to vary the thrusting, groping her tight little butt, and even slipping his hand under her dress to tickle her tight little O-ring. The finger in her tight little “O” startled C and pushed her over to her most explosive orgasm of the evening. As her tight little pussy clenched and spasmed in orgasm, J finally lost it. He tried to keep the rhythm but all he could manage were a couple final jerky thrusts, then pushed hard up into her, as deep as he could possibly go, and erupted. He shot jet after jet after jet into her perfect little pussy. Simultaneously, C grabbed his neck, pulled him into a lip lock, then jerked, twitched, and convulsed in an overwhelming orgasm of her own.

This is a picture from the internet. C and Major J looked much like this when they finished except that they were outside, he was in his flight suit and she was in her yellow sun dress. It's nice to see this girl has a wedding ring on her finger, just as C did.

They sat like this, his cock still deeply buried in her, acting as a plug for what seemed a very long time. Suddenly they became acutely aware of their surroundings and situation as they heard “last call” being sounded in the bar.

They both knew they could not afford to be caught in this situation, so C hopped off J’s lap, stood up and smoothed down her dress while he quickly restuffed his sticky pole and zipped his flight suit down. She looked him in the eyes and said, “that was incredible, thank you”. Then she leaned over, kissed him on the lips and said, “I have to go.” With that, she turned and walked away.

This is a picture internet. C said that when they finally unplugged, the cum literally gushed from her tight little kitty, just like this.


C reentered the Mess through a different door from that which they had departed and walked down the hall to the lady’s room. There, she got some TP and tried to wipe up some of the cum flowing out of her pussy and down her legs. She thought to herself, “What the hell, it’s dark, no one will see anything” so, with wads of extra TP in hand, she walked out of the bathroom and through the bar where the final crud match was finishing. As she walked through, she thanked all the guys she had shared the evening with, said she had to go, wished them happy hunting and safe travels, then she walked out of the Mess to her car.

This is a picture from the internet. This girl looks a lot like C did at the time except that C's hair was shorter and she was wearing her yellow sun dress. C surely had a similar mess between her legs as she walked back into the Officers mess on her way to the ladies room.

J was surprised and a bit taken aback by her sudden departure, particularly since he had just violated his vows with this girl, something he told himself he would never do. He felt used and, despite the intensity of the experience, somewhat annoyed that she had just walked away.

J smoked another cigarette, then walked back into the casual bar just as his Marines were completing their game. He told them to finish up, return to their quarters, and get some sleep because the next few days were going to be long and strenuous. Then he told them good night and departed for his room.

Majors are Field Grade officers like Colonels. One of the perks of seniority is that they get higher quality quarters than junior officers, perks such as small private suites with their own baths. Contrast that with Company Grade officers such as Lieutenants and Captains who frequently have suites that must share a bath and/or common area.

J’s visiting officers’ quarters were across the parking lot from the Mess. As he walked to his room, he watched as his junior officers noisily made their way down the street to their own quarters. In short order, he was alone as he walked to his room.

C sat in her car in the parking lot of the Mess. She was still quivering and twitching from the intensity of the experience. She was also still leaking copious quantities of cum and wished that she had remembered to grab her panties before she walked away. She already had a wad of sticky TP on the floor of her car and had another wad stuck between her legs so she wouldn’t make a puddle on her seat. As she sat there, her mind was reeling from what she had just done. She had vowed to herself that she wouldn’t fuck around anymore once she moved to the Far East. Now, here she was, the same little slut she had been back home, drunk and pussy leaking from another naughty night. The difference this time though was that now she had a ring on her finger.

“Well, he’ll never find out,” she thought to herself and “I won’t do it again.” But even as she thought that thought, she knew it wasn’t true. She had just had incredible, mind-blowing sex…and she absolutely loved incredible, mind-blowing sex.

As she thought those thoughts, she saw all the guys leave the Mess and head to their quarters. From the large pack of rowdy revelers, she saw a lone, tall, dark figure separate itself, walking across the parking lot, passing within 50 meters of her car, and head for the Visiting Field Grade Officers quarters. Another quiver ran through her as she sat and watched him walk to his room. She watched him walk across the parking lot, up the stairs to the second deck, down the outside balcony, and into the 3rd room from the right.

C sat and stared for what seemed like forever but was only minutes, still quivering, and still leaking. She was highly conflicted. She had work in the morning. She hadn’t done her homework. She needed to do laundry and clean the kitchen. She needed sleep. She had strayed again.

Then she opened her door, got out of her car, locked the doors, and began the long walk across the parking lot to the second deck, outside balcony, third door from the right...

End of C's Naughty Journey Begins, Part 1.
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Where to begin when there are so many beginnings? This is the story of how my sexy little slut wife began her extramarital sexcapades. Though, as I later discovered, she had started long before. This was just the beginning of a new phase. Let me set the stage and define the players.

The time is the mid-80s. My wife C and I live on a military base in the Far East. I’ve been stationed there for about two years on a three-year tour. Mid-tour, I went back to the States, married my honey and brought her to the Far East with me. There’s lots (and lots) to tell about her and about our relationship before marriage and her joining me overseas, but that is for another time and story

C was 20 years old. We met when she was 18, soon to turn 19. She was a college student at a major Southern university that had a campus in the small town where I was stationed for training. I’m several years older than her and did not know at the time that she was only 18. Would it have made a difference? Maybe, maybe not.

C is 5’ 6” tall and, at the time, weighed about 120 pounds (54 kg). She had dark chestnut hair that was cut short in what I believe they call a pixie cut or maybe a bob or something similar. If you want to get an idea of what I’m talking about, see the picture I attached. She was very pretty in a girl-next-door way. I liken her to UK Duchess Kate Middleton, very wholesome yet extremely desirable. Definitely someone that instinctively you want to mate (no offense meant for my Brit readers!) Some months after she arrived, her best friend on the base confided to her that when C first arrived, she thought she was a model. I have good taste.

This picture is not my wife but looks very close to what she looked like at the time. This girl's hair is a little longer but she has the same dark eyes, dark hair, and physique as C. This picture is from the internet. I use it for illustration and will remove it if asked.
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C was slender and fit, with intense dark brown eyes that sparkled. She had a slender waist, narrow hips, and a tight little bubble butt that felt perfect in your hands, like two volleyball halves, nice and firm with no flab. Her breasts were 32 - 34 inches with B-C size cups, very firm and perky and had two gumdrop nipples that I swear were hard-wired to her clit. I could make her cum just from squeezing them and pinching her nipples, they were that sensitive.

Between her legs she had the prettiest little pussy. Her labia were small and didn’t protrude which is exactly how I like them. It was a perfect little peach ready to lick. She had the softest patch of neatly trimmed jet-black hair on her mound that I loved to nuzzle, and she always smelled so good and was so very juicy.

This picture is also from the internet. This young woman's little bush is exactly like C's was. Soft and dark black.
View attachment 624938

On the date of this story I, along with my entire unit, was deployed to Korea for a major exercise. Remember, this was back during the Cold War and the US and Allies conducted huge exercises annually. While we and a couple other units from our station were deployed forward, the rest of our units were participating in the same exercise from home station. Bottom-line, everyone on the post was involved and busy. This big exercise lasted an entire month. Since all the husbands were away or in the middle of the exercise, many of the wives took advantage of the situation and traveled. C’s best friend took her kids and went home to the States to see family for a couple weeks. Most of her other friends who didn’t have children went on Officers Wives Club sponsored tours of the Far East to places like Hong Kong, Beijing, Taipei, and Bangkok.

In most cases, the families with kids stayed at home station. Being much younger than most of these wives, and with no children, she really didn’t have much in common with them. They were all consumed with taking care of the children in the absence of their husbands.

Unfortunately for C, before I would let her drop out of college, marry, and move to the Far East, I made her promise to complete her undergraduate education. Our station had a branch of the University of Maryland, Far East Division. At the time of this story, she was mid-semester and had classes to attend.

Also, our unit had a detachment that we continuously manned in Korea, so we (the husbands) spent a lot of time away from home station. To help fill her days while I was away, C took a position as a pre-school aide in the base school. The combination of college classes and job meant that she had responsibilities she couldn’t abandon. Thus, she couldn’t button up the house and depart for crazy times with her girlfriends as they spent all their husbands hard earned TDY pay. It’s also why, in the middle of the week, in the Spring of the year, in the mid-80s, she was sitting alone eating her dinner in the casual bar in the Officers Mess.

C wasn’t at the Mess to get crazy; she was just there for a meal she didn’t have to make for herself. Maybe she thought, she might even find a friendly face that she might dine with before heading home. When she got home, she had an exciting evening to look forward…homework, maybe watch a show on the only English language television channel (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service - AFRTS) for a bit, or ready a trashy romance novel and jill herself to sleep. Fate however, had a different plan.

On this particular day, fate had decided it would deploy a squadron of Marine fighter aircraft (F-4 Phantoms) to the station to support the exercise. Once these Marines landed and got settled, the aircrew had some free time to kill before bedding down for the night. It had been a long journey and they needed to let off a little steam because the next day they would join the exercise in earnest.

Now if you know anything about military flying units in the 80s, especially fighter squadrons, you know they were manned by a bunch of horndogs and those horndogs liked nothing better than visiting another duty station, going to the Officers Mess or into town, and seeing whose wives and girlfriends they might be able to corrupt. This was especially true if the deployment duty station belonged to a different branch of the Services, as ours did. I know this for truth because in our service, we were the same. We liked nothing more than flying into Miramar MCAS while the fleet was out and the wives were home…

More to come...
Omg damn hot sexy young lady to be pleasing her would be like being in heaven for sure?!!!💖💓💝💋💋
Age and hormones. Like I said, should have been meno-pause. In reality, it became meno-stop. C’est la vie.
Damn. But he'll what do we do when we have no woman to keep happy or a sweet pussy to eat or fuck??? Seems hard to take but I can relate man. Have to jerk my meat several time a week to get satisfied or self satisfaction !!!!
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