Could not attach videos anymore from Iphone


Hey, I have a problem.

Once I try to send the video or record directly from here it give an error and is not possibile to attach video due for extension compatibility.

I’ve checked my settings and are ok. How can I solve this?
Up, still problems. The only way to make it work is uploading on a private folder and then send to couple medias attached from the gallery.
How can I solve it?
I use a free MP4 video converter… it saves the videos in the correct format.

You can also adjust the quality and therefore the size of the video since this site has a size limit on uploads.

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Thanks for your support! I give it a try but it’s not working 😩

It’s a problem I have only in private messages.
If I press the record button and record or upload it gives me an error that the file is not supported .
Files are recorded in extension .mp4 which is supported so I don’t understand the problem.


If go to my media, record a video and then send the attached media file it does it 😅

Before the new forum layout everything worked as intended but with the new style this does not work