College Athlete Petite Wife (True Story)


College Athlete - Petite Wife

This is another true story of my wife and my 3some adventures. This happened in the early 2000's. M my wife, is a Petite Southern Belle, 41 years old (at the time), 5'0", 105 lbs., almost C cup breasts, brunette hair and hazel eyes. M has an amazing body, with strong solid thighs attached to a nice round bubble butt that earned her the nickname "the ass" from my college buddies. She has a beautiful olive colored skin. She is a ...... of three, yet she does not have a single stretch mark anywhere and she has maintained an overall fit toned shape. In my opinion she is the type of mom and wife that was the definition of MILF. Besides her amazing physical beauty she possessed a great funny laid-back personality along with an incredible attitude about sex. I knew I was a lucky man.

M and I have a process for finding couples and solo guys that is a fairly time and labor intensive process designed to weed out flakes and idiots. In addition to being time consuming it was also a frustrating process, because there were so few solo guys that really "got it". Interacting with solo guys all night getting "Can I fuck your wife?" as their introductory statement gives you a jaded view of how clueless many men are out there.

One hopeless night in the late Spring of 2002, I was chatting online with a parade of idiot solo males and a few nice guys, that were unfortunately unattractive or ruled out for other reasons, using the AOL "Instant Messenger" (IM) application. Then I heard a Bing as a new IM window popped open with a probably soon to be eliminated solo male candidate or so I thought.

I'm guessing that I had chatted online with maybe a thousand solo guys in the past few months, with all having been excluded as potential 3rd guys to join us in a 3some. The detailed process that M and I used to screen potential partners was my penance for having my "quirk" (as M teased me) of enjoying watching my beautiful wife have sex with other men and wanting to make 100% certain that none of these encounters we had were bad experiences for my extraordinary beautiful wife.

Now before me was another IM box with the simple statement "Hello. I am a student at <local university>, could I ask you a question?". I responded "Sure. What do you have on your mind?". What I would come to learn is that the person on the other side was a college athlete from a local mid tier sports university. "Your profile says you are a swing couple. What is that exactly?"

At this point I thought someone was pranking me or this guy was a troll. Still I approached the question straight, explaining that my wife and I enjoyed having people join us for sex. His response back was of "mild shock, curiosity, fascination and interest." Over the next hour "R" politely quizzed me about 3somes and told me about himself, relationships and interests.

R was a 27 year old, 6'2", 195 lbs., dark skinned black athlete. He was from a small rural town and he was the first to go to college from his family. He had never heard of such a thing as swinging or couples inviting others to join them for sex, but he thought it sounded fun. He didn't have a picture, but said he would get one tomorrow with the help of a friend. I didn't send him a picture of us yet (clothed only is all we exchanged) because I didn't do that until the guys had past a bunch of our process tests, otherwise everyone in our small city would have known who we were with the online chat numbers I was raking up.

R was pretty quick sending me a clothed picture the next morning. He seemed eager. He was a very attractive young man. For those who have not read our first interracial story on this site, my sweet, innocent looking, professional, suburban, petite Southern Belle wife really found black men attractive. She had fulfilled her fantasy of having sex with a black man many times over with our long-term black cop neighbor. Unfortunately he had recently moved out of the neighborhood. We still saw him, but his visits were much less frequent.

R was polite, had an 18 year old hot red headed white girlfriend (foursome story with her coming soon) and he was a senior at his school, with his eligibility running out from the schools athletic program a year earlier. Miraculously he passed all our tests except the M test. I asked M into my office where I explained my conversations with him and I wanted to show her his picture to see if there was an attraction for her. Bingo he passed, but she joked that he is such a baby I would feel like I was robbing the cradle. I said he's legal and the first possible prospect I've come across in a while, so please keep an open mind. She said she would giving me a coy smile.

Regardless of passing all the tests I still wanted to chat with him online for a week or two to see if he sticks it out and if any attitude issues surface. Over about 10 days I got to know his background, sexual history, interests, things he had never done sexually but wanted to try. I also learned about his girlfriend, and his hopes for the future among other things.

What impressed me the most about him was that he was a nice sincere guy who had a lot of incredibly endearing qualities. He was a genuinely nice straight-forward decent humble person; someone who wasn't sophisticated, but wasn't a dummy either. He was an intelligent man who possessed a grounded common sense that wasn't very common from my experience. What I did not learn however, as this was the only thing he seemed shy about, was the size of his cock. I had mentioned earlier that M had decided she didn't want guys bigger than my best friend F, who had a thick 9" cock. Since he passed everything else, in my enthusiasm, I just forgot to ever get back around to the issue.

I let M read the chat logs between R and me. I asked permission to get him on the phone, so we could both talk with him together. About an hour later I called him. He and I talked for the first 20 minutes and then M came in to talk with him. The conversation between the two of them went unbelievably well. M loved the sound of his voice, which was like icing on the cake (Voices were seriously a big deal to her), and I could tell she was already starting to ...... him. He was a go!

I setup dinner with R at a restaurant around the corner from our house for Saturday that weekend. I told him right up front that dinner was on us. We were at different stages of life, so do not worry about it. M and I discussed plans for the evening. Our kids would be out of the house for the night, so M agreed for the first time ever, we could have him back to the house after this first meeting, if everything went well, because she felt so comfortable with him. We agreed on a code phrase that If M wanted him to come over she was going to ask him "So would you be interested in coming back to our house to see some of our pictures?"

The dinner was perfect fun. He was exactly as we expected. He was very engaged with M as was she with him. She was melting truthfully. I noticed he was physically escalating well with non-threatening touches of her hands, arms and eventually later her thighs. Their dynamic of ...... and young man was developing quickly. It was kind of cute to watch, as it unleashed M's dominant side. This was going better than I could have imagined. Things were winding down after about 90 minutes when M spoke up, "R would you like to come to our house to look at some of the risque pictures we talked about earlier?" Alright!

M whispered to me on the walk to our cars that R was better looking in person than his picture. This was moving in the right direction fast. We briefly stopped to give directions when M said she would just drive with R in his car so they could follow me the short distance to our house. That would give them a little get to know you chit chat time on the 5 minute drive.

To be Continued....
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True Story - Black Athlete Petite Wife Part-2

M and I had lucked up by finding a ringer of a solo man to join us as a 3rd.

Both of our cars pulled up into our driveway. M and R got out of his car carrying on their conversation which I would describe as two people who were completely comfortable with each other and enjoying themselves. I couldn't believe it and loved it at the same time.

Once in the house M took R into the kitchen while I got our pictures ready for viewing in my office. It took me about 10 minutes to get everything setup. I then went into the kitchen to invite them both in for the slide show.

I had set up 2 chairs in front of a large monitor while I stood behind them using a mouse and keyboard off to one side from a standing position. Both M and R sat down side-by-side in the office chairs. I brought up a set of pictures we had taken during an encounter with our neighborhood Adonis black Cop. I began to slowly flash through the set of pictures, with some commentary, which R was studying intently. He wasn't as focused on the "hardcore" elements, as most guys typically would be, but more so on M. You could tell he was really into her.

Next came the most pleasant shocker of our entire lifestyle journey together; M started giving commentary on our pictures, asking me to pull up certain sets, describing what she liked about a partner, how it felt, how she looked, what she enjoyed and what she would do differently next time. She also told funny stories about things we had seen and experienced in the lifestyle. M is normally introverted, especially with new people. She had never participated as engagingly with others previously when viewing our pictures; rarely contributing more than a few comments. Watching her enthusiasm discussing our pictures with R weirdly gave me a feeling of acceptance that it wasn't just me, but that she also really enjoyed having the pictures to relive our encounters.

I was thrilled that this young man had tapped into a unique combination of her sexual desire and her motherly instincts. The coupling of these emotions super charged her arousal. This was an example of how you can discover things unexpectedly about your partner from the lifestyle even if you have a great longtime relationship. There is no way this side of her would have come to my attention if we had not been in the lifestyle. It was a great feeling to see her enjoying herself so much.

The two of them were having a great conversation discussing different aspects of the pictures and action. Sitting beside each other, they both were making lots of body contact, subtly touching each other sensuously, with M being the biggest culprit. 🙂 Then another shocker, the two of them were actually discussing ideas for pictures for me to take of them when they had sex. No jealousy here, but I think if I had left the room at that point it would have taken them some time to notice I was gone. They were that much into each other; a 41 year old suburban MILF and a 27 year old college athlete. I had this excited feeling come over me that this was going to turn out really really well. M confirmed this by asking him if he would like to go upstairs now. This was one of those dumb question categories as he quickly said yes with a lot of positive emotion in his voice.

I left for a minute to go upstairs to get the cameras ready and to make sure the room was okay. Everything looked great, so I headed back down to corral the two of them upstairs. They entered the room together with R behind M as she held his hands which were both placed on her hips. She had a playful grin on her face as she was pulling him into the room at a quick pace. They both turned to face each other as they kissed passionately for the first time. They both tugged at each others shirts almost frantically as they faced one another. You could tell they both wanted their clothes off now. After he took off his shirt R immediately removed M's bra pressing his bare chest against her now exposed breasts as he kissed her deeply. He then moved down to to lick on her breasts, which caused her to close her eyes and tilt her head back in obvious euphoria as she concentrated on the feelings from his tongue. This was off M's normal script of undressing the man first. R didn't have a belt on so M just unbuttoned his jeans and began pulling them down. M was bending over pulling one leg of his pants off at a time as he placed his hand on her back for balance. Once both legs were out of his pants R was now down to loose silky boxer shorts, that had "Ants in My Pants" emblazed on them. R had an impressive body, He was muscled from head to toe, with not just 6-pack abs but an 8-pack. He had nice protruding pecs along with impressive muscular arms with thick muscular thighs and calves. The latter being features M found particularly attractive as she loved strong bulky legs on a man.

M stood in front of him with her arms around R's waist as he held M's lower back. They were looking into each others eyes, both naked from the waist up as they leaned in for another long passionate kiss pressing their bare torsos together. M then knelt down in front of R so she could pull his "Ants in My Pants" boxer shorts off, while mischievously looking up at him. M looked down as she pulled his shorts lower steadily until they were below midway on his thighs, when finally out flopped his very black, very long, very thick cock, that was definitely over 11" long. I really feel uncomfortable saying this as a heterosexual male, but holy ...... the guy had one beautifully impressive dick. My cock is nice looking, so I have been told, and not all of them are, (apologizes if you have an ugly member) but this guy had a massive work of art dangling out in front of him. Now exposed, he also had strong fit ass muscles that could obviously pile drive that massive cock into a woman for as long and as hard as she could take it. The guy was a Greek statue.

I was actually really amped up with excitement, thinking about the "great pictures" I hoped to get of the two of them together. M is now on her knees, in her shorts, gripping his cock with her fist holding it at the base. It is still hanging way out past her hand directly at her face. M took a brief moment to look over at me, still holding his huge dick in her hand, to give me a questioning skeptical smirk. I knew instantly what she was thinking; "You knew R had this large dick but just forgot to mention it". I just shrugged cluelessly, because I didn't know either. But if I'm going to be honest here, had I known beforehand, after all the difficulties of finding a decent guy, then finding a really good guy, plus the idea of seeing M take that massive black dick of his, I probably would have neglected to tell her on purpose anyway. Of course the way it worked out she was a very happy shared wife.

To be Continued
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True Story - College Athlete Petite Wife Part-3

M was now topless on her knees in green shorts that gave off a hot suburban mom vibe. Kind of a swingers "The Graduate" movie feeling with this gorgeous muscled black man standing in front of my beautiful suburban mom who has his huge dark cock in her fisted grip as she kisses the tip while staring up at him. Over the top erotic fuel for me which only got better as the evening continued. M pushed R against the back of the mattress on our 4 poster bed while continuing to look up at him. She then knelt down on her calves in a submissive posture, while still maintaining eye contact, as the tip of his cock is at her mouth with the head of his cock laying on her protruding tongue. This moment was one of the hottest I ever captured on film. He is appreciatively looking at her extremely excited as she begins to work her mouth up and down on his cock. It was fucking unbelievable watching M take this dark cock into her mouth with the beautiful contrast of their different skin tones.

I wanted to briefly go into the submissive dominant dynamic that M and R had going on between them. Outside the bedroom M would interact with R as if a patient ...... guiding a good kid. It was very loving and caring. She would also use this outside bedroom dominance to bond with him. He was very happy and comfortable with the situation. In the bedroom she was there to serve and reward him for being good young man.

R wanted M to talk with his girlfriend "A". She was a hot 18 year old, true red head, fit and super gorgeous, with beautiful pale skin. (We did a foursome sort of later with them). He had told his girlfriend about seeing us and he was honest about the situation from the beginning. I got the impression later that A was worried about losing R to another girl, so she agreed to let him join us because she figured it was safer for him to be with a married couple than a single woman. R wanted M to explain how the lifestyle worked. What A really wanted was reassurance that M wasn't trying to steal her man. The reviews she got back from R on M were I'm guessing "tough" on a young girls ego. M loved sex and she had a fantastic attitude towards pleasing her partner with a great relaxing bedroom demeanor. I'm guessing her acquiescence to the situation wasn't going according to the plan her 18 year old mind had presumed.

So now M, the mom, got into counseling the young girlfriend of her adopted ....... 🙂 M (My Wife) had R (Boyfriend) and A (Girlfriend) all get together at our house. I met her when they arrived, then disappeared into my office. This was M's area of expertise not mine. Spoiler alert here that by the end of the evening A felt much better. They even discussed her joining the three of us on one of R's visits, which she was definitely all in on doing. As they were leaving, I came out to say my goodbyes, then I got to go do some hangout time with M for the rest of the evening. A was an extremely attractive young woman with C cup breasts, with a softer, but not flabby, body. She was not a gym rat firmness for sure, but a perfect weight for her height at 5'5", with deep bright blue eyes and hair that had a bright orange natural redhead tint. She was a looker with a number of beautiful rare features. She was also a very nice person. M was doing everything she could to make her comfortable with the situation. It seemed to be working.

I can't blame A for being concerned about the competition looking at it from the outside. If she had the maturity to understand what the dynamic was between R and M she wouldn't have ever been worried. As much of a connection as M and R had it couldn't go much further because they didn't have a boyfriend girlfriend vibe at all, but rather a teacher student relationship, as weird as that might sound. One of the draws for R was that he couldn't believe he had this beautiful, older, sophisticated woman who was having sex with him. He was a very eager and willing student, which I'm sure added to A's angst.

I'm certain A (Girlfriend) was getting an earful about M (My Wife) from R (Boyfriend). M did instruct R on things he needed to do to reassure A on her and his relationship so this would be a positive experience for everyone involved. I am assuming he had difficulty containing his excitement about M even if he was trying to spare A's feelings. I don't think did do it purposely or in a malevolent way, rather just inexperience and excitement on his part. Still reflecting on the events of the evening it was an unusual situation that none of our vanilla fellow suburbanites could even begin to imagine.
As a coming attraction trailer I will give away a slight preview of the foursome we ended up doing with A (girlfriend) and R (boyfriend). A wasn't really into me. I can't blame her considering I was an older, average body white guy and her guy R was a 5% body fat fit young black man, plus she was an 18 year old, true redhead hottie. I did get to lick her pussy and take a bunch of pictures. M (my wife) and A (girlfriend) did a double team blowjob on R (boyfriend). M was teaching A blow job techniques. It was fucking hot to watch the three of them. As young girls were apt to do early in their sexual development A had an aversion to cum. M and A sitting on the floor completely naked, casually in conversation, leaning with their backs up against our couch, with R sitting between them naked on the couch, as the blow job demonstration dummy in waiting, was a surreal situation.

The evening was unconventional even by lifestyle unconventional standards, with M (Wife) watching A (Girlfriend) sucking R (Boyfriend) while M was holding R's cock and offering suggestions to A on technique. M was demonstrating how to cup his balls and putting a thumb on his perineum (area prostrate is above) to massage both while sucking him. M would then give encouraging critiques of A's attempts to recreate the technique she just watched M perform. This was something that didn't happen everyday. Even our lifestyle friends were amazed at the situation when I told them about it later.

With M's encouragement and participation, the two women shared his cum as he orgasmed, with the two of them sucking and licking him. Yeah that was fucking hot. M's natural attitude about cum got A to follow her lead; M - "Okay watch me lick the cum off his shaft, now here you do it.", M - "See it really doesn't taste bad. Over time you will enjoy it more and more." M - "Once the guy cums right here under his head is sensitive, so licking it afterwards feels really good." M - "Oops you have some cum at the corner of your mouth. Hang on I'll lick it off. <followed by them cum kissing-licking>. During the differing techniques M would rhetorically get R to agree it felt good, excited him to watch, etc. as confirmation for A's efforts that he was really it. Like I said it was erotically unreal.

Sex with M that evening was needed relief from watching that all night.

To Be Continued
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True Story - College Athlete Petite Wife Part-4

M is now looking up at R with his cock in her mouth as far as she could take it. R leaned up against the back of our four post bed in obvious pleasure from M working her mouth over his cock, then looking back at her, turned on by this professional wife and mom passionately kissing, licking and making out with his cock as it goes in and out of her mouth surrounded by her pink lips. Now the roles reverse as R grabs her arms at the shoulders and pulls her up to kiss her. He then directs her to get on all fours on the floor where he squats behind her gorgeous round ass. He places one hand on her lower back for balance as he guides his 11" cock into her pussy from behind. M's facial expression shows an excited anticipation as the head of his cock starts to penetrate the lips of her pussy. With both of his hands on her lower back, R begins to stroke his cock insider her in this squatting position, using his powerful leg muscles to control the thrusts, going a little deeper into her on each stroke. Once he is fully able to get all the way inside her, his long strokes become faster and harder as you can see M enjoying the feeling of having his large thick cock pounding into her and filling her up. M laid her chest to the floor so she could arch her ass up to give him an easier angle to drive his dark black cock into her gorgeous white pussy. The contrast of his black cock and her white pussy's amber lips surrounding his dark shaft was beautifully erotic.

R then pulled out of M and picked her up off the floor, where M assisted him by wrapping her legs around his back. He walked over with her to our bed where he laid her down on her back. He then crawled onto the bed pulling her into the middle as he scooted forward, where he inserted his massive 11" dick back into her. M then lifted her legs up placing her feet on his shoulders, which allowed him to get even deeper inside her. Even with his 11" cock she was able to take it all up inside her. You could tell R was very excited as his stokes got more intense, which didn't last long as he pulled out and came all over M's mouth as she stuck her tongue out to take his cum.

You could tell R had never had a woman who was so into his cum as he watched his cock squirt his cum all over her mouth and lips as some dribbled onto her hand that she had placed underneath to catch all of it. She looked up at him with her cum covered tongue to show him and smiled at him. He was definitely into her willing acceptance of his semen. She then used her tongue to lick the head of his cock as she milked it from the base up the shaft to get all his cum out. I was extremely turned on, but had the presence of mind to ask M to look at me so I could get pictures of her licking his cum off her hand and his cum covered cock. She playfully stuck her tongue out and gently licked more cum off her hand with her cum covered tongue, while holding his cock, with a laughing smile as she made eye contact with me, then looked back up at R to see his reaction. I thought he was going to cum again right there as you could tell from the look on his face that he was very turned on. They both had some gentle touches of affection as she rose to look at him. I then asked R " if he could you take some pictures of M and I having sex, because I'm about to bust over here after watching you two?".

I quickly got up on the bed and got inside her. Looking down on M with cum still on her mouth and face was amazing. I am not a clean up guy, but M tilted her head up to make me give her some soft gentle kisses with her cum covered mouth and tongue. She seemed to get some enjoyment from these "forced messy kisses" with me. She even pushed her cum tongue into my mouth. I came really quickly as M started whispering to me how much she enjoyed seeing the contrast between his black cock and her white pussy as he was inside her.

After I was out of her, M went over to the corner of our bed on her knees to R where he was standing with my camera. He laid the camera down and they gently touched each other as my cum was dripping in a long stream out of her swollen open pussy lips, dribbling out of her all the way down to the bedspread in one continuous strand. He began lightly touching her as he visually took in her slim firm body. She closed her eyes concentrating on the touch of his palms lightly brushing against her nipples in a gentle slow motion. Those were some amazing few pictures I managed to take. R had a bashful appreciative little boy look on his face as M smiled back with a "your welcome" look as she reclaimed her motherly dominance of him. M had him get up on the bed, laying on his back, so she could play with his cock as she explored every facet of it: cupping his balls and moving it around, just enjoying herself.

We both only came once that night as M and I had obligations early the next morning. We had R over many times after this first visit including a partial foursome with his redheaded 18 year old girlfriend. It was a great somewhat long-term relationship until he graduated.

More stories to cum.
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Second Time Petite Southern Belle MILF with Wonderful Kind Black College Athlete

If you read the story above you know the descriptions of my hot sexy wife and ...... of 3 and our very amazing new partner R who was a college athlete at a local mid-tier college. After our first get together R was anxious to come back over as was evidenced by his quizzing us at the end of the first night if "we wanted to have him over again". It warmed M's heart to hear him insecurely and longingly ask about coming back. He was all newbie for sure, because there wasn't any doubt that M wanted to see him again. It was actually humorous to me that he didn't realize how connected she was with him.

I told him we would like to have him over next time when he could stay longer, so I asked if he "could make it on a weekend night." He said "yes either night or both" before I could even finish the sentence. You could see from the smile on M that she was getting a big ego boost from his visibly eager demeanor. My guess is that he had only been with inexperienced young women who weren't even close to being as open about sex as a hotwife like M (remember this was the more innocent early 2000's). M wasn't the only one who was connecting. I could tell he was hooked as in hook, line and sinker. This was turning out better than I could have imagined all the way around. M was enjoying her motherly role to this nice good-looking enthusiastic young man and he couldn't believe he was actually having sex with this beautiful older proper woman who made him feel so comfortable around her and I was getting some truly amazing pictures and video of my dainty woman thoroughly enjoying taking his massive black cock into her mouth and pussy; win, win, win, trifecta.

I messaged him on AOL the next morning that we would like to have him over on Friday night anytime after 7:00pm. This would give us both time to get the kids feed and off to grandma's after work. M might keep him waiting a little bit fixing herself up, but that would give me time to talk with him possibly discussing ideas for the evening without M around, which usually freed up the guys to be more candid about their desires. He said he could be here by 7:00pm.

The big night arrived and we were running late and he showed up 10 minutes early. He was anxious. I opened the door to let him in while M was upstairs getting ready. I told him the situation and invited him into the Livingroom to sit. I offered him bottled water, which he answered a little awkwardly "yes that would be great, thank you." Once I came back in with the water I asked him how he was feeling and if he was nervous. He said he was a little nervous, but also very excited. I told him that being nervous was normal and that it would pass pretty quickly. I told him that I had set up a massage table in our music room for us to massage me to get M warmed up (which wouldn't really be necessary after the first night they had together) and took him to the room to show him the table. The room had a fireplace where I had started a fire since it was a cold winter night. The room was toasty hot. I left him back in the livingroom while I went up to check on M's progress. She was sitting in front of her vanity mirror looking absolutely radiant in panties and a bra with a short silky robe that was open and barely covered her ass when she stood up. She gave me a peck on the lips as she rushed by me to head to the closet to get some open toed strappy dress shoes that looked like similar to sandals which were a tan beige like the rest of her outfit. R wasn't the only one anxious as I could see by her hurried pace M was looking forward to having sex with her young man. After putting on her shoes she asked "How do I look?". I sincerely told her "You look amazing honey. You are unbelievably sexy. You know your young man R showed up early by the way." She laughed with a big satisfied grin on her face. She said she would be down in 2 minutes. I told her we would be waiting in the Music Room for her, then quickly went downstairs to bring R into the Music Room with me.

I told him as the masseuse he needed to strip down to his underwear (no "Ants in Your Pants" logo this time) which he hurriedly did while leaving on his socks because of the wood floors. He had good bedroom style with silky loose boxers versus white tighties most other guys wore. His chiseled chest and abdomen were nicely framed by his boxers with his muscled thighs draped by the silky material. It was at this point that R asked me if it would be okay to be more acrobatic with M by picking her up. I said "Sure she likes it when a guy carries or picks her up as long as you don't drop her." with a slight laugh. Just then M appears at the French double doors leading from our kitchen with her short robe open exposing her panty covered trimmed pussy gap tightly covered and outlining her nice flat abdomen. Her sheer bra couldn't completely cover her erect nipples poking out from her nicely shaped B cup breasts. The robe hung down to just under her ass cheeks in the back accentuating her nice strong thighs.

M stretched out and opened her arms inviting him to come into her grasp, where he quickly came over to get a hug and a kiss from M. I told M "Honey why don't you lie down on your stomach on the massage table while I get some water for you. M removed her robe and laid down on the table now just in her panties and bra. R was clearly enjoying looking at her body. They had small chit chat but you could see R was still somewhat nervous. I showed R the oil which he put onto his hands then rubbed them together to warm the massage oil. Not his first massage I was thinking. He then began to work her left thigh then down to her left calf and then repeated this motion on her right side. M raised up to take off her bra then laid back down, asking R to "remove her panties" for her. He leaned over grabbing both sides of her panties, then very smoothly pulled them down as she bent her legs at the knees to put her feet straight up in the air so he could finish pulling them off.

R bending over immediately started rubbing oil on M's ass and then had his fingers probing her pussy lips less than a minute later. I could tell this massage was going to be brief. Once that started M rolled to her side and grabbed his huge cock from outside his boxers squeezing and gripping it with both hands which you could tell through his underwear was getting him very hard. M tugged his boxers down to expose his now very hard massive cock and double fisted it (which still left some of it exposed because he was so long) where she began passionately taking him into her mouth sucking and using her tongue on the bottom side of his cock while it was deep in her mouth, which he clearly was enjoying.

It was here that R pulled out his "power move" leaning over to grab M's waist, while she still had his cock deep in her mouth, and then picked my petite wife upside down effortlessly draping her legs around his head and over his shoulders so he could lick her pussy. During this entire maneuver into position M never let his cock slip out of her mouth. So they stayed in this standing 69 position for maybe 5 minutes, until used her hands to pull his butt signaling she wanted to be fucked now.

To be continued.....
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