BromleyKent, UK - wife chat

Greetings to all,

First time poster here!

Have always been an intrigued with the cuckold scene but never really something have given too much thought too…However over the holidays I overheard the wife having a girly chat on the phone and they were laughing about a dream she had where a stranger messaged her on WhatsApp out of nowhere and they flirted so much that she ended up orgasming and then meeting him, I don’t know how this is possible but none the less it got me thinking, maybe I should be extra good to her and let her fantasy play out somewhat, I mean if she is dreaming about this stuff then she must want it!!

So if you’re local to Bromley, under 40, healthy and a good talker, get in touch and maybe you can be the first and probably only lucky guy to try get in to the knickers of a 25+ year veteran wife (39) who is as clean and as good they come.

Handsome + under 40 take prior 🤣

More details about her by dm!

Happy new year 🙂
Greetings to all,

First time poster here!

Have always been an intrigued with the cuckold scene but never really something have given too much thought too…However over the holidays I overheard the wife having a girly chat on the phone and they were laughing about a dream she had where a stranger messaged her on WhatsApp out of nowhere and they flirted so much that she ended up orgasming and then meeting him, I don’t know how this is possible but none the less it got me thinking, maybe I should be extra good to her and let her fantasy play out somewhat, I mean if she is dreaming about this stuff then she must want it!!

So if you’re local to Bromley, under 40, healthy and a good talker, get in touch and maybe you can be the first and probably only lucky guy to try get in to the knickers of a 25+ year veteran wife (39) who is as clean and as good they come.

Handsome + under 40 take prior 🤣

More details about her by dm!

Happy new year 🙂
Would love to help out with her!!!