BBC weekend fun

Last weekend my wife invited her BBC bull over, it was Friday afternoon and I get a text from her bull saying “looks like your wifey wants daddy’s dick again lol” and i responded asking if he was going to our house, no response for hours from her or him so I ended up getting off slightly earlier went straight home and walked in on them fucking, she was moaning and orgasming when I first walked in
And when she noticed I was there she said “oh hey baby, why don’t you give us some privacy for now and go pick us up something to eat and I quickly told her yes honey of course so I rushed out got us some food, got back to the house about 45 min later and they were both laying next to eachother in bed naked both still out of breath like they just finished, and her bull told me “time to clean up cucky, I’ve already got her pregnant once I don’t want to today” and then my wife looked over at him and said “but I want you to get my pregnant daddy and she giggled then they started kissing so I began to get on all 4 fours and started eating her pussy I could taste his thick load, and I was so aroused and humiliated but I kept going until she said I could stop, she then asked me to suck her toes as she puts her feet on my face and laughing while she and him still laying together naked, and she asked “do you like that?” And I said “I love it princess!” They started making out again and it quickly became passionate then she gets up to start sucking his hard dick I volunteer to hold her hair, and her bull says “goodboy cuck, you keep doing this I’ll hold off smacking her ass at the gym In front of everyone like last week. And I told him thank you sir , and I thanked him for satisfying my wife
They end up fucking multiple times and he stayed all weekend, I’m pretty sure she got pregnant, she would cook him breakfast naked while he would hold her hips and press his dick against her ass while she was cooking, and we all 3 watched some foot ball games Sunday and she would sit on his lap bottomless and fuck durning halftime i was caged wearing her panties the whole time, his cock Is hot huge it’s so hot! Especially going into my gorgeous wife
But needless to say when he’s over hevc
VERY hot, would love to see the rest of the cut off. Expecially want to know if she got pregnant and does she intend to deliver? J (the wife)
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