Advice needed by hot wifing couple

Miss dixie

For the last year my partner of 17 years has confided in me of his hot wifing fantasy.
He very much likes the idea of watching a man fuck me. I won't lie, at first I was a little taken aback but over the year we have spoken about it loads, bought role play into the bedroom and the idea has grown on me. I'm just unsure if it's something I can go through with or even if it will destroy our relationship after which scares me most.
He thinks about it a lot, its something he really wants to do. Are their any other couples out there that can share their experiences??? Both from a man and a woman's perspective would be fab!!!
We have been married "very happily I might add" for nearly 37 years and together for 41, we swapped a few months after getting married, although we had talked/fantasised for some time before this, it was difficult to do much about it without our own place. I recall how nervous and excited we both were, and nearly didn't go through with it, but the couple were older and more experienced, they didn't rush us and we had the most fantastic weekend I can remember. We remained friends for years and although we have not met now for some time we still send Christmas cards.

If you decide to try being a hot wife, don't be rushed, make sure you feel ok with the guy, and don't make any promises of what will happen, you can always stop things if it doesn't feel right!!!! Why not try an evening of flashing to a guy first? Just an upskirt, stocking top, knickers or pussy, you can test how brave you are, If you both enjoyed that and can't wait to rip one another's clothes off and fuck whilst talking about it, I would say you will enjoy the lifestyle.

It is not easy to find the right people to make everything you want happen, but when you do 🙂😉😉😉😉🙂

Over the years we have seen our lots of our (normal) friends marriages fail, mostly with them having affairs, we never lack excitement in ours and even when we are not actually meeting anyone else, we have lots of adventures to talk about keeping us horny for the next adventure!!

Hope whatever you choose makes you both very happy.....
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I was thinking something like this as as much as my partner says this is what he wants I'm not so sure he could handle it. I'd like to approach things a different way before diving in head first into something that could go either way. If he watches me flirt with a guy or something else and doesn't like it then I know we could never follow through with the fantasy at all
No matter what advice you get, no one knows their reaction to a new experience, I was a very jealous young man and Alison thought I was trying to trick her when I started talking about sharing her, although our first time was with a couple, it was a very strange feeling having another man fuck her, very very exciting but still strange. I have never felt jealous in all the times she has been with other men.
Flirting is a good start, but have a firm plan and lots of communication is the key, maybe you could ring him to keep checking he is ok so far and also reassure him you are still ok, and to let him know if you are enjoying the attention, we enjoy you girls enjoying yourselves you know!!!! 🙂
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There is only so much you can talk about something, if your partner is desperate to try sharing you, he will always regret not trying it, I think your flirting plan is a good way to test your feelings. What you must understand is that trying to downplay how much you enjoyed what happens...if anything of course.... is not a good idea, we get off on you enjoying it and want to know every detail, how it felt, where he first touched you, how many times you came..... details details details... You will get to understand what your partner enjoys as you go on, its a learning process.

Sex is sex separate love from sex and you are well on your way...
Well thank you for the advice. It's greatly appreciated and you've given me a ton to think about. Talking to people already in the situation kind of puts things into perspective really.
More than anything I want to make my man happy, especially in the bedroom. It's just whether he can truly handle it.
Well thank you for the advice. It's greatly appreciated and you've given me a ton to think about. Talking to people already in the situation kind of puts things into perspective really.
More than anything I want to make my man happy, especially in the bedroom. It's just whether he can truly handle it.
We wish you all the best whatever you decide xx