Absent makes the heart grow fonder


Question, if you had to go away for a year perhaps for work or another reason, would your wife stay faithfull to you or would she look for sex with another,
How long do you think she would stay faithfull, three months, six months or would she be out looking for sex as soon as your flight takes of,
I would give my wife six months before her horny pussy would drive her to look for some guy to fill it,
Second question, would you expect her to stay faithfull and if she did stray would you forgive her for it when you come home,
Would she do it and keep it a secret from you or would she confess her infidelity to you ?👍
She loves it
My wife and I have been separated for six months before because of my work but she told me any longer and she would have been out on the pull as she was getting so horny,
She said she was faithful but I have my doubts as a frend told me he had seen her at a bar with a guy a couple f times when I was away but she said he was a work colleague and her whole office was there as well, just for drinks and she came home alone,
She may have come home alone but that doesn't mean she didn't go to his before she came alone,
We have a very noisy neighbour and I'm sure if she had bought a guy to our house he would have seen her and he would have taken great delight in telling me my wife had cheated on me,lol
It depends on time frame, a year ago she would have just waited. We did have a couple month long travel 10 years back and neither of us even batted an eye, was not on our radar at all to stray.

Nowadays however could be different as we have opened things up and she has a steady boyfriend she sees regularly so I assume she would simply continue with him in my abscence. I do not see her straying from him either.
Question, if you had to go away for a year perhaps for work or another reason, would your wife stay faithfull to you or would she look for sex with another,
How long do you think she would stay faithfull, three months, six months or would she be out looking for sex as soon as your flight takes of,
I would give my wife six months before her horny pussy would drive her to look for some guy to fill it,
Second question, would you expect her to stay faithfull and if she did stray would you forgive her for it when you come home,
Would she do it and keep it a secret from you or would she confess her infidelity to you ?👍

I travel many times a year (well, routinely) and stay away due work.

I thought that would be no problems or surprises with my wife cheating, since when we married she already knew about my work duties and because she has a somewhat timid personality.

Well, within just more than a year of marriage, she cheated on me. She tried to keep secret but then I became aware and our relationship evolved to a sharing/hotwife one.