A short visit!


Well-Known Member
I had a lifelong friend that joined the army and left town shortly after high school. We kept up through Christmas
cards and an occasional phone call. I got a call from Phil not too long enough saying that his grandson was going
to graduate from basic training at an army base close to us and he was coming down for the graduation and he
would love to get together. Told him they were welcome to stay with us and he quickly informed me that there
was no longer a we as he had been divorced over ten years.

The graduations are on Thursdays, so he was flying in on Tuesday and wanted to maybe have dinner. I again
told him he was more than welcome to stay with us, and he quickly relented and said he would like that. Phil
showed up about three and gave me a call at work and I told him I would meet him at the house and gave him
the address. We quickly sat down and started catching up when the wife came in after work. I introduced them
and Phil gave her a hug and she told us to continue to catch up and she would get ready to go to dinner.

Once she was out of the room Phil said wow you did good, and she is a pretty woman. We continued talking
when she came back in ready. A nice above the knee skirt, nice blouse that showed a lot of cleavage and she
just plain out looked good. Went to dinner and had a great meal and her and Phil got quickly acquainted and
by meals end acted as if they were also lifetime friends. Phil insisted we get something to do shots with once
we got home and she told him she is not a drinker at all.

But once home he quickly talked her into doing a shot with us which caused her to make about ten different
faces. But Phil talked her into a second one which she took a whole lot better. She was feeling it pretty quickly
though and begged off of a third one. She wanted to go change and rejoined us shortly in a little pajama set
she has that consist of a thin top and some little shorty shorts. To my disappointment she had worn a bra
with it. We were standing at a bar that I had downstairs, and she laughed and said don't y'all get ...... as
I would never be able to get you two up the stairs.

Phil told her he wanted to get her ...... and she laughed and said that is not going to happen even though
those two do have me buzzed. He put in for her to do another and she mildly protested but finally gave in
and took it. She was more than a little tipsy now and said I thought you did shots off the body or is that
something else and Phil said no that is a thing to as you can do shots, or you can do body shots. She
smiled and said I told you I was a lightweight. Phil held the bottle up and said one more and she answered
with no no no or at least not for me.

He grinned and said how about a body shot and she was aware enough to say off me or off you and Phil
looked at me and said I am sure hubby doesn't want to a body shot off me, so I guess off of you. She smiled
and said first tell me where on me you are talking about doing one and Phil responded well you tell us where
we can do one from. She asked where most people do them at as I told you I am not a drinker, and this is
all new to me. Phil told her when he has done them in the past that most of the time it started like the navel
or somewhere like that. She laughed and said oh that is not a big deal, and we can do that.

I told her we would help her get up on the bar and she could lay on it and me and Phil would do our shot. She
said well at least let me get a towel. She spread it out on the bar and helped her up and she laid back. She kind
of pulled her top up a little exposing her navel. I grabbed at her shorts and told her I was pulling them down a
little where it would not get on them and she said okay but not too far. I did a shot off her navel first and then
Phil. She raised up a little and said that was not bad and said so what now. I told her in most cases she would
do one off of us now and go from there. She said what the heck I am already tipsy so what's the harm of a little

We helped her up and she said let's move to the coffee table that will be easier. I went first and she did a quick
one off of me and then Phil laid down. She grabbed at his pants and tugged on them and laughed and said we
need to pull these down a little where you won't get anything on them. She then poured a little too much on
Phil and slurped it up before licking down towards his crotch to lap up the excess. She said okay what now.
I told her I think we need to do the next one between her boobs and she laughed and said Well I surely don't
want to do a shot between y'all's boobs. I asked where she wanted to do one at and she said again just not'
between your man boobs.

I ran my hand up her little top and put my hand on her bra clasp and said can I take this off and she said yep
I don't want to get anything on it. I undid it and she slipped it off through her sleeves and her nipples were
hard. She laid back on the coffee table and said okay how do you want to do this. I told her to hold her boobs
together and we would do the shot from between them. We both did them and she said okay y'all can do the'
next couple as I cannot do anymore right now. I said alright how about on your boobs, and she said that is what
you just did. I told her I was talking about off her nipples and she just said oh and then said so that means Phil
is going to see my boobies. I smiled and said he is and she just said okay and took her little top off and laid back.

I told Phil I think we both need to do one at the same time and I poured a little on both nipples and we slurped
it up. After about the third time I poured some on she put her hand behind both of our heads and just kind of
held them in place before stopping us and said okay that is enough. I asked was she ready to do one yet and she
said she still couldn't yet. I ran my fingers across the front of her shorts and said we can do one here or we can
do one off your butt. She told me if that got in certain places that it might burn. I told her I promise her that we
will have it licked up before it gets there. Phil spoke up and said he wanted to do one off of her butt and she just

She agreed to it but told us no tongues there okay and I asked where and she laughed and said my butt. I told
her to be a little more precise and she laughed again and said don't stick a tongue in my butt. I thought she
would take the shorts and panties off but she just pushed them down in the back and let us both do a single shot
off her butt. She just laid there for a minute and I said okay you know where we are going next, and she said yea
I kind of figured that was next. She turned over and had no problem sliding the shorts and panties off and put the
towel under her. I slid her to the end of the table and put her feet flat on the floor and spreading her legs and told
Phil he was my guest so go ahead. I pour a little and he quickly lapped it up.

I poured a little more and he did it again. I got his attention and told him to lick her. He dove right in and she
moaned and said there is no shot there. He did it a couple more times and she put her head on his head and
held him in place. She reached up and rubbed the front of my pants and started trying to unzip them so I
helped her out and bent down and let her take me in her mouth. She finally stopped us and asked could
we take this to the bedroom where she would be more comfortable. Over the next hour or so she blew
both of us and let Phil fuck her. Everyone got up and we all took showers. Me and her got in bed and she told
me that was very intense but very enjoyable.

I asked why didn't she got get in bed with Phil and enjoy herself some more. She asked was I sure, but I knew
that she wanted to. She started to put something on, but I told her to go naked. When I woke the next morning
I headed to the kitchen and on the way past his bedroom I saw that they were still ...... and both were naked.
I made coffee and when I walked back that way, they were no longer in the bedroom, but I heard them in the
shower. She headed off to work. That night was a repeat of the previous night just no shots involved this time.
Phil extended his stay until Sunday afternoon, and they pretty much fucked like a couple of young lovers.