4. The teasing
this seems to have led to her being more coquettish and even some teasing with a cuckolding bent. We have always playfully teased each other about cheating, generally innocent and completely jocular remarks surrounding the landlords sun or dawter. this is a bit of an in joke between us after one of my wife's married friends had a paranoid husband who genuinely suspected this was going on in their own marriage.
In a quiet moment alone though within the last week we engaged in that playful teasing again with her implying I was going to cheat on her after she left for work. I playfully mentioned I would be taking my girlfriend to lunch to which she unexpectedly replied much in the manner of her friend June “I don't care, as long as the money is in the bank”. I playfully said “well I better cancel the date 'cause now I can't pay for lunch” and it ended there. This was a definite deviation from our usual play in this area though.
In another conversation within recent days she talked teasingly about how “we can just be friends” like my ...... and father who have long been separated but are on good terms. The implication was a relationship like Julie’s that has us under the same roof for the sake of the kydz. That night - which was the eve of her birthday - we went to bed and I slowly seduced her kissing her neck from behind the way she likes before aggressively rolling her onto her back and roughly sucking her nipples. I then went down to pay close attention to her pussy. She was very wet and I licked my way up and down her vulva tasting her cream before - following her moans as a guide to how I was going - eventually setting to work on her clit. As per usual custom I was rock hard rubbing my cock on the bed as I supplicated between my wife's legs. Yet even with my tongue my beta male skills were not enough and she said “I'm going to get my toy”. Often times when this occurs I will use my fingers inside her front passage add my tongue in her rear while she holds the toy on her clit. Through years of reading her body language however I could tell she didn't want that tonight and as she lay on her side I simply kissed her neck and rubbed my 6 inch pencil on her leg.
She had a very intense orgasm from this which she rolled away from me to appreciate by herself leaving me being denied any credit for rocking her world. After she came down from that she rolled onto her stomach which is usually the signal that I am permitted to enter her wet pussy add explode within minutes if not seconds. In anticipation of this I had been lying on my back jerking off and noticing this, still lying face down she brought her size 7 foot to gently stroke my small, shaven scrotum. As she is well aware, I absolutely love having my balls played with though she had never done it with her feet before. To my cuck lens this of course meant she didn't even want to waste her time using her hands on me, let alone her mouth or pussy.
She noticed how much I enjoyed what she was doing and asked if I “just wanted to play with him”. this was of course a dream come true for a wannabe cuck and in answer I reached for the lube in the bedside drawer. She continued to use her foot on my undersized little sack as I began to increase the speed of my strokes. She then reached for her Majesty 2 vibrator and put it on my taint. Just above the entrance to my anus. There was no way I could hold back and after only a few seconds of this stimulation I exploded covering my abdomen in my own semen while she guffawed at my spasms of pleasure. This had been a truly seminal [pardon the pun] moment for me. It of course played to the fantasy of being denied intercourse or even hand contact due to the insignificance off my genitals and my sexual performance. To my surprise this was then followed by her telling me “see, we can just be friends” which seemed to indicate she too had noted what had just transpired. A flag that she would consider a relationship where I was denied penetration. This was something of a turn on but I also got my first ever feeling of genuine cuckold angst.
Girls’ nights out.
With her new social circle and our improved financial position my wife has been able to enjoy a few girls only events which have so far only taken place at her colleagues houses or on daytrips where each have been accompanied by their progeny. So, while girl talk has taken place there has been no genuine opportunity for her to stray. That is going to change in the very near future as they have a dinner planned for November 18 - no husbands, no kydz and then [even more dangerously] an end of year celebration that will include a boozy dinner before visiting a nightclub for dancing.
I should mention my wife is a very good dancer, she rivals Shakira in her ability to move her hips in time with the music that no man could fail to find arousing. She has bought a number of new dresses specifically for this night and even modelled them for me which once again triggers my cuck fetish. This is already giving me cuckold angst as I imagine her - the youngest and sexiest of her group - garnering much male attention and in her inebriation this leading to something sexual. Namely, her discovering a thirst for new, harder and bigger cocks. It triggers the cuckold angst but also a rock hard erection!
You still with me? The actual point of this expansive post.
So, if anyone is still reading please let me know any feedback you have and for those cucks and wannabe cucks who have any suggestions for how I can gently move things forward within the limits of me just wanting play with my wife, I would appreciate your advice. Hope you enjoy the titillating asides below 🙂
*titillating aside#1: at one point my friend and I [high school age at the time] were arguing over who had the bigger penis when my female friend speculated that the length of a penis could be judged from the measurement of the heel of a man's palm to the tip of his middle finger, and the width by the distance between the visible tendons on the inside of the wrist. We of course immediately held our palm's up to each other’s and it was evident he had about an inch more than me in length as well as a considerable advantage in width. It was so hot to think that all three of us in the room were aware of how much bigger he was than me - her smirk afterward said it all and would inspire many of my fledgling masturbation sessions.
** titillating aside#2: my wife has told me she only had sex with one person before - her boyfriend back in her hometown who ended up cheating on her while she was abroad. She has also told me I was much bigger than him downstairs [but she would say that wouldn't she?]. She did seem genuinely concerned about my size when we first had sex - I am just under 6 inches long [14.5cm] and 4.5 inches around (11.5cm), so not a monster. However, early in our relationship I did see she was tagged in a photo by a white English guy [he was presumably abroad in the same city not long before I met her] and in that photo my now wife is lying on a bed [fully clothed] on her side resting her head on one hand in a somewhat seductive pose. Most interestingly in that photo she is wearing the expression I know so well that is her reaction to me making a suggestive remark. I have never asked her about this because it was before we met but I of course have fantasised that perhaps she had a fling with this guy and he in fact is the biggest she has had. according to the-penis.com/size1.html my length (14.5cm) is smaller than over 55% of those surveyed and my girth [purportedly much more important than length] of 11.5cm is smaller than over 85% of those surveyed thus the odds of this Englishman having a penis at least as long as mine and certainly thicker than mine are very likely. More masturbation fodder for me!
***titillating aside#3: I have told my wife my what my precise measurements are – this was early in the relationship when she considered me big. I wonder if she is ever shared this data with any of her friends. It turns me on to think that some of them know my exact size and have likely informed my wife that I am unexceptional and possibly even slightly thinner than the norm. I also wonder whether any other of her friends have similar data on their husbands or exes. To think they know where each of us lies on the size spectrum is a huge turn on. I of course fantasise I am the smallest.
**** titillating aside#4: My one and only ex ended our relationship after three weeks of mediocre sex affected by inability to sustain an erection. She even said “I can’t feel you inside me” not long before the end. Following that she tried to seduce a friend of mine who is taller, more muscular and more well endowed than me. He didn’t go for it but I realised I missed a chance at a real cuckold relationship. She was a hot woman with an athletic body but was convinced she was unattractive/fat. Making a guy come really gave her validation so I think being a cuckoldress and fucking as many men as she wanted would have been great for her psychologically.
*****titillating aside#5 ‘Junior’ is what we have named my penis – the connotations for size humiliation only became apparent to me after the fact. I am hoping at some point for the cock sleeve to become known ‘Senior’ so she can ask for it. That would also feed the cuckolding side of it and make it like she was fucking someone else.
****** titillating aside#6: when we watched porn together early in our relationship she always commented on how big the male protagonists balls were [although she never mentioned it I am sure she also marvelled at the size of their members]. I have a fairly small scrotum and what I think are slightly below average size testes so they don't really hang or swing as impressively as do those of more blessed men [i.e. the majority]. They even sometimes disappear into my stomach when I’m lying on my back. I wonder if the “no secrets” coven my wife is now in includes this