
  1. S

    Weighing fantasy vs reality and the consequences

    So I’ve been with my gf for 3 years now, and the sex is phenomenal and she does whatever I ask, Basically a free use kind of relationship. But… for some reason I’ve always had the secret fantasy of watching a much larger black man have his way with any girl I’ve dated. My current gf I think...
  2. PleaseLickHer

    A night out with my gf and best friend gets unexpectedly hot

    Years ago, while out with my (now) wife and best friend, we were drinking at a bar and the topic somehow turned where my wife said "well i have really nice nipples". I didn't think much of it other than "man, that was hot". But then like 2 minutes later, she privately pulled out one tit and said...
  3. M

    Need advice for first time hotwife

    Boyfriend is very into being a cuck. He wants to start with me just chatting with bulls online. I've tried it once but I'm very socially awkward and never really know what to say or how to go about talking to them. I know he wants me to basically sext with them while he watches. Of course I'm...