first date

  1. What your husband can't do for you.

    What your husband can't do for you.

    Thick married cock for your wife to cum on. Let me remind you how a man is supposed to treat and please you.
  2. How i finish always on first date

    How i finish always on first date

  3. Yawnbiter

    First time tips?

    Hello! My wife and I(both 31) are in the middle of talking with some lovely local men on discord and everyone seems eager to meet up, respectively. We're new to this LS and through posting photos of my wife, with consent, her confidence has sky rocketed because of you lovely people ❤️ She's...
  4. Freaky Friday 1

    Freaky Friday 1

    I LOVE having Friday's off. My new 24 year old lover from Reddit came to visit today. Lots of fun😍
  5. T

    First Date - Feedback

    Hello Everyone! Here to get some feedback :) I [M36] am engaged with J [F31]. She is a mix between a conservative girl (she had only 3 guys sexually) and had a light conservative education. On the other side, she is quite open to speak about everything. Nothing is taboo. When I first met her...