easy wife

  1. Wifes size needs pt1.jpg

    Wifes size needs pt1.jpg

    Bigger than 4.5"? Can you get hard? Can you last more than 30-60sec? That is the bare minimum
  2. Wifes size needs pt2.jpg

    Wifes size needs pt2.jpg

    Even an average male is a lot bigger!
  3. AnyoneBut.jpg


    Its mostly true! I'll give him a few tries a year, otherwise this!
  4. 20120929_34 A.jpg

    20120929_34 A.jpg

    Posing for friend
  5. 20120929_32 - M.jpg

    20120929_32 - M.jpg

    Posing for a friend
  6. img024 LA.jpg

    img024 LA.jpg

    Teasing Bob.....
  7. htann4.jpg


    Wife at adult party going up stairs?!....