
  1. L

    I finally confessed to wife. (Advice needed asap)

    Hello, I'm writing this with mixed emotions, though mostly positive. My wife (31) and I (25) have faced some challenges recently, and at one point, we considered parting ways. However, we came to realize just how deeply we love each other. In the midst of everything, I found the courage to...
  2. D

    I’ve been a “bull” for a hotwife couple for almost 2 years. But I need to end this “connection” because it’s not what I need long-term. [M30] advice?

    [M] 30 here. I’ve been seeing a middle-late 40s couple for the last year and a half 4 - 5 times a year since we both live in other states. She and I communicate on a weekly basis and everything has been very well with them and me. We usually meet in a hotel for a weekend every 2 - 3 months...