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    Post your wives fucking other men

    Respectfully, I love that yall are young and good looking and both enjoy this lifestyle in a healthy manner. I’ve been making slow progress with my wife but every time we’re close, there’s a curveball. 😭😭
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    Show the picture your wife/gf that was accidentally exposed permanently online whore

    I’ve always fantasized about finding pics or videos of my wife with previous boyfriends
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    Comment by 'Anonymovs' in media 'Squirt in fitting room'

    I cum back every few days to watch this sexy gal squirt. I wish I could swallow it all 😍😍
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    How often do you jerk off thinking about your wife getting fucked by a big cock

    That’s fckn hot ! I wish I could catch my wife doing something like that. You should post them , I’d love to read 🥵🔥😍
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    Absolute perfection 🥵
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    Show us white hot wifes with their black lovers

    The relationship I hope to have 😍😍
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    Comment by 'Anonymovs' in media 'Squirt in fitting room'

    I would swallow every drop 😍🥵
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    Family roleplay

    My ex girlfriend was incredibly sexual , to the point where I couldn’t keep up at times. One day we were checking in to a hotel and she tells the front desk agent I’m her brother , then proceeds to ask for a king bed. Next when we get in the elevator she pushes my to the wall and kisses me as...
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    You should let her play the game her way. Then once it’s begun, you can have your way. She might fuck a caramel Latino with a monster cock and I’m sure you’ll love that just as much. Then next time around she can get her BBC
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    I can’t wait til you post some spicy pics 🥵😍
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    Hands down my favorite wife on here. Idk what it is , maybe she reminds me of my own lol.
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    husband boyfriend cock

    I wish my wife would take this 🥵
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    Comment by 'Anonymovs' in media 'IMG_20240409_122913_787.jpg'

    Fuck I’d love to see my wife play with this 😍
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    Truth or Dare App

    I’ve tried some apps but they’re all super childish. I downloaded Dirty Truth or Dare and selected the dirtiest level. First dare for my wife “sing for 30 seconds without laughing”. I was so darn aggravated lol
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    I would eat her ass for hours 😍🥵
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    I can’t wait til you post real pics of her 😍😍 she’s so damn edible
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    Today might be the day!!!

    In my previous posts you can see a little bit about my thoughts and One where I specifically ask others to share their thoughts on my stance/ feelings. Not everyone is the same in this game. As mentioned, I’m fully invested in this but the sudden change before the game def threw me off a bit...
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    Today might be the day!!!

    I wish you the best of luck !! As you see , communication is everything. I assumed her being turned on by talking about it was confirmation she was 100% on-board with everything, unfortunately I never really paused to ask how she felt most comfortable. I still think it’ll be worth all the...
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    Today might be the day!!!

    I appreciate your thoughts. I won’t lie , I read this message and immediately put my phone down feeling betrayed. But the biggest key to this whole experience is COMMUNICATION , and as you mentioned - establish the rules. I realized this whole time it was all about me, and although she was...
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    Today might be the day!!!

    It’s been a slow start to her day. She has called me on 3-way a few times so I can listen in on the conversation but it’s been uneventful. Their day is winding down and hopefully they start turning up the heat soon or maybe when they go for drinks. They’ve flirted before but neither has ever...