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  1. hubbysexywife

    Old tape with her ex

    Lucky guy
  2. hubbysexywife

    Post her rear view...!!
  3. hubbysexywife

    Thank you

    Thank you
  4. Bare ass view.jpg

    Bare ass view.jpg

    An amazing view from her. Lightly the contour between the thighs
  5. hubbysexywife

    I started it wrong. Can I get a second chance? I feel stuck.

    Hi, I think you just did a mistake, you should tried a smaller first. Maybe 16/17 cm long and 13/14 cm girth, cause she never felt nothing bigger than your cock for many years (according to your words) and introduce bigger ones time to time. I had nice experience about that. PM if you want.
  6. hubbysexywife

    I don’t know if I should drop it

    Probably, for most women is simple if she do it alone at first, without the pressure of their husbands there, watching something they don't get comfortable to do. For other side, they want include the husbands cause is something with pleasure for both, but maybe they have afraid of doing...
  7. hubbysexywife

    If you could watch your wife do anything, What would it be?

    That depends what stage you are at the moment. For me, watch a well endowed guy fuck her. Probably this.
  8. hubbysexywife

    Anyone else have this

    Looks like rules are always difficult to establish, especially with the time and things going on... If someday that come true, is something I already took same time thinking about and isn't always clear in my mind, cause rules can change with situations or maybe some rules are difficult to...
  9. hubbysexywife

    Did She Cheat ? It's Been A Long Process....

    Thanks for your share. Well, my opinion, probably something happened... Don't know if it was the full thing, but certainly something they did. If not, why did she go to her house? She knew what that means...
  10. hubbysexywife

    Very First Time Husband Feelings

    What do you mean? Do you want explain a little more?
  11. hubbysexywife

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  12. hubbysexywife

    Very First Time Husband Feelings

    Amazing! What did happen after that dance?
  13. hubbysexywife

    Stag/Vixen with hubby in photo.

    Super hot pic 🔥🔥🔥
  14. hubbysexywife

    Cuck, what do you like to do while your wife's beeing fucked?

    1 and 3 for sure! Could be another scenarios too...
  15. hubbysexywife

    Biggest cock your wife has seen in real life?

    Insanely HOT 🔥🔥🔥
  16. hubbysexywife

    Very First Time Husband Feelings

    Would like to know what you have to say about all those scenarios?
  17. hubbysexywife

    How do you cuckold's compare?

    What site is this?
  18. hubbysexywife

    Very First Time Husband Feelings

    Well, a positive thing for you both I assume. Did she tell you any details? Did you ask her about it? Is she doing that at present?