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  1. M

    Who is going to a club over 30???

    I was just reading an article about how MILF is the second most searched term of 2023 and seems to be fairly popular, even among younger viewers. Mature is one of the fastest growing categories, so it certainly doesn't seem like a nightclub packed with younger dudes is going to be a problem for...
  2. M

    Where to go for Sexy Caribbean Vacation

    Hey all, TLDR: So I need some help on suggestions for the right vacation spot in FL or the Caribbean that is both family friendly but also has potential for a bit of naughtiness. Not Hedo or the like, obviously, but a place you can bring kids, with nice beaches and hotels but also bars or...
  3. M

    This is unhealthy for you

    Hard to say, I think it depends on the couple. I think it is probably likely more people get into this later in life, in general, as a way to add some adventure back into the sex life, at a time when they have a more stable but less exciting relationship. However, older generations also grew up...
  4. M

    I know she cheated, but won’t admit it

    Yeah, I mean, not saying she definitely cheated because who knows for sure... but it seems rather suspicious and I think it is pretty typical behavior for women to deny shit like this to their grave even if you make it clear you're cool with it and are horny to hear the details. I broke up with...
  5. M

    This is unhealthy for you

    Hah, sorry, I guess in text it is hard to read emotion but I'm not upset or lashing out. My guilt was over masturbating when I was like 13 and yes, I certainly got over it and it seems rather silly now. I'm not saying yours is though, I mean, we all have different sensibilities and who is to...
  6. M

    This is unhealthy for you

    You sound young and like you are struggling with guilt over your sexual desires because some cultural up-bringing or whatever makes you feel it is wrong... I remember feeling that way long ago, it is a bad place to be and can really mess with your head. Truth be told, I would wager a lot more...
  7. M

    Comment by 'majorem' in media 'My wife asked for permission, Day 4 wife away on business trip, sex with another married man'

    Ah yeah, saw that after - some of the hottest videos I've seen on here. Loved the fact that she was banging some married guy. Hope you post more.
  8. M

    Lets see the toys your wife plays with.

    btw, in case anyone was wondering... yes, it goes all the way in ; )
  9. M

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    Yeah, I don't know why it has to be such an uphill battle, especially when I am 100% sure she will enjoy it. I married her because she was a slut but now she's all trying to be a proper wife, which is not what I signed up for haha.
  10. M

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    That's hot - I've done the dildo with my cock a number of times and my wife quite likes the fantasy of getting fucked by two cocks but she hasn't been shared yet and it was quite a long road to just get to the point where she could admit this all turned her on and start to become part of our...
  11. M

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    That or try to get her to go out with any single or wilder friends that she has and tell her you want her to flirt and get herself all wet, then come home and fuck you. I do this with my wife and we often have the best, dirtiest sex when she's been out and I know she's been flirting with other...
  12. M

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    Hah, holy crap - had you shared her before that or did it go straight to 2 guys in a hottub haha? Hmm, wait, I have a hottub... haha, would never happen though, at least as long as I have kids living at home.
  13. M

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    Seems like she is taking things in the right direction and you may not need to do much. There is a possibility if you push for something and it becomes more your fantasy, she may push back... although there's also the chance if you're direct, she might just say she's into it. If you want to...
  14. M

    Comment by 'majorem' in media ''

    you need some buffbunny leggings to better show off your ass
  15. M

    My wife orgasms struggle

    My wife used to orgasm 2-3 times at least when we had sex in our 20s, as we got older it dwindled to 1-2, to now at 40, occasionally she struggles to cum at all from sex. If she's horny and hasn't drank too much, then it can happen quickly still but if she's tired, not particularly horny, hasn't...
  16. M

    Travel with the boyfriend

    I mean, from your perspective yes, and it may be what you desire but long-term, it may not be what he or the wife end up wanting. I think many women, though of course not all, while they enjoy the excitement of a new lover and being shared, there is also some part of them that desires to be with...
  17. M

    Travel with the boyfriend

    Maybe? I can't imagine letting my wife travel to Paris with another man, let alone even spending the night somewhere. It seems like you're doing everything possible to cultivate a romance between the two that could jeopardize your marriage. It's happened to people on here before... However...
  18. M

    What is the hottest thing your wife/gf shared with you about her sexual past?

    When we first started dating my wife said she'd only had sex with like 5-6 people but admitted she'd be fingered / eaten out by more than she could remember - at least 20-30, and she was 20 years old at the time. She said one time when she was like 17-18 she was at a party and drunk and let a...