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  1. HubbyJohn

    New to this site and husband is already intimidated

    If you want a man who is aroused by this, but also intimidated and a tad reluctant. Reach out. Accepting the role of cuck is a real mind fuck...
  2. HubbyJohn

    Lifelong cuckolds

    I'm realizing late in life that I always was... I never put it together that all my ex girlfriends cheated on me. All the comments about my lack of size. My partner's lack of interest in sex as the relationships went on. It's always been there, my wife was just the first one to be honest with me...
  3. HubbyJohn

    those times when a woman compared yours to a bigger cock

    When I told my wife it turned me on to be compared to him she told me there was no comparison...
  4. HubbyJohn

    Never fuck your wife with dildo

    We have essentially replaced my dick with a dildo for the past few years. As much as I miss the sex I love seeing her so satisfied and feel so inadequate when I am inside her now that I reach for the dildo faster than her now. If only to avoid the embarassment of her reaction while I fuck her...
  5. HubbyJohn

    Guys...ever been "cucked" but didnt find out till later ?

    The worst thing about her confessing to cheating was that I got so turned I had to start jerking off. Or maybe it was the best thing... But she expected me to be angry and I was hurt, but I also came faster and harder than ever before in my life as she told me about how big his cock was. It was...
  6. HubbyJohn

    Prettiest married pussy

    I think it is my favourite one so far! Gorgeous.
  7. sauna2.png


  8. HubbyJohn

    Guys...ever been "cucked" but didnt find out till later ?

    Yes. This is how it all started for me. 8 years into our marriage my wife confessed that she had a 5 month affair with a guy who “had a huge cock” while we were engaged. Up until the wedding and then she stopped. Explained why sec for us basically stopped around that time.
  9. HubbyJohn

    No sex with wife

    I just don’t have sex with her because I feel so pathetic doing now. After seeing how she cuts on the huge dildo and how she enjoys every second of it inside her it is clear that my dick in her does next to nothing… why bother. Just makes me feel ashamed of my size and bad for inconveniencing her.
  10. HubbyJohn

    Very First Time Husband Feelings

    It was 6 years after it had happened when I found out and it was also before we were married. I kind of already knew and suspected when it was happening, but hearing he confess that it wasn't once or twice like I I had suspected, but weekly over months that he had fucked her and that "he had a...
  11. HubbyJohn

    He Resized Her

    They say that the vagina regains it's form and that being stretched out is a myth, but my personal experience says otherwise. Since the day my wife fucked a huge dick, my dick has been less effective for sex. The more she uses the large dildo the more this becomes true and since children it is...
  12. HubbyJohn

    What do you think about when you’re having sex with your wife?

    I think we have had sex twice in the past 6 years where we don't fantasize about another man fucking her. Both times she asked for it to just be me. It was fun, but my mind still wandered to her with another man... and after she came the one time she had to dirty talk about it to make me cum...
  13. HubbyJohn

    Has your wife told her friends you are a Cuckold Husband

    My wife had arranged a weekend with her ex at his hotel months in advance. They have done this twice when he comes to town. He fucked the ...... out of her and she comes home to me with details. This year her best friend asked to stay with us for a two week visit. She does this sometimes. I...
  14. HubbyJohn

    Hottest things your wife told you

    During sex with her legs squeezed tight to give move friction I asked if it felt good for her too and she said “I don’t feel you. You aren’t even inside me. You don’t even reach.” “He has the dick I wish you had.” “Taste me on his dick.” “Don’t you wish you could fuck me like he can?” “Put...
  15. HubbyJohn

    Girl talk: how much do my wife's friends know?

    My wife's best friend knows... Her second time with another man happened to fall on a weekend when her friend was staying with us and it was a one time opportunity to be with this guy and we didn't want her to miss it. So I had to stay home with her friend and explain why while she spent the...
  16. HubbyJohn

    Do you like Indian Women?

    Easily the porn star I find most sexy is Indian
  17. HubbyJohn

    Advice for ...... cuckold

    My advice is to think long and hard about how you feel about it. Her lying and cheating is a problem entirely seperate from her wanting a cuck lifestyle. Do not confuse the two.
  18. HubbyJohn

    Question for the guys

    Definitely. We try to have sex sometimes and want to, but after a couple minutes of thrusting she gets so wet there is no friction and I lose interest because I know she isn’t enjoying it. So I would switch to the dildo. Now she just tells me she needs the bigger dick and to get off of her...
  19. HubbyJohn

    Hottest things your wife told you

    About how the first time she cheated on me she didn’t want to, but she was ...... and he was powerful and confident and when he got behind her she told him she was engaged, but his hands were all over her and down her pants and she could feel his huge cock pressed against her as he kissed her...
  20. HubbyJohn

    Life after wife experiences a huge dick

    Our sex life definitely changed after my wife fucked a guy with a huge dick. My dick gets half the reaction from her that it used to and dropped even further after the second kid to the point where I don't think there is enough friction for either of us to cum from penetration. They say a pussy...