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  1. C

    I told my wife she might enjoy making me call her bull and ask his permission before I could...

    I told my wife she might enjoy making me call her bull and ask his permission before I could fuck my own wife. She loved it. 75 percent of the time he said no. Finally he said he didn't want to share her. I wasn't allowed to fuck her at all. I was ate her pussy and asshole every day. I was...
  2. C

    I'm 6

    I'm 6
  3. C

    Do other cucks have to set up dates with her boyfriends

    Yes. I have to call him and ask him to please fuck my wife. My cock isn't big enough and I'm not man enough to satisfy my wife. She needs a real man and a real cock.
  4. C

    Sub looking for a hotwife

    How old were you 12? LMAO
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    My wife lets go. She loves to make me feel inferior and humiliated. I love taking it from her.
  6. C

    Do you jack off watching ?

    My ...... is long dead. I'm 6 feet and 205 lbs. You're close with the age. Why don't you tell me where your at and come kick your ass.
  7. C

    My wife keeps me naked 24/7 when I'm home. I asked if I could stay naked when her girlfriends...

    My wife keeps me naked 24/7 when I'm home. I asked if I could stay naked when her girlfriends came over. Then they wanted to see her fuck me in the ass with a dildo. Finally she said she thought it would be more humiliating for me and she could show off more if she also invited men over.
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    How many guys are there who shaved there cocks? Let’s see some pictures

    Your wife needs to give you a good kick in the balls. Maybe that thing will grow a little
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    How is the feeling of sucking cock and eating sperm of my wife's lover?

    She is getting you ready to suck cock and you want it.
  10. C

    Sucking Dildo

    I've never done that. My wife occasionally will make me suck her dildo before she fucks my ass..
  11. C

    Who likes women with a full bush? No shaving? Post your wifes or gfs hot hairy pussy

    Not in a million years. Shave that ......
  12. C

    Couples that have a regular deal with a guy/bull

    I hope you eat her out after he cums in her. My wife loves that. I like to watch her fuck him while she verbally humiliates me. Sometimes she will fuck me in my ass with a dildo in front of her lovers and girlfriends.
  13. C

    Does your wife enjoy sex with others more than with you ?

    My wife needs to be being fuck by at least 2 other guys at all times to feel good about herself and feed her super ego. She is obsessed with large cock and having a husband that is faithful to her while she cheats continually. I need a Goddess to worship who humiliates, embarrasses and degrades...
  14. C

    Why do you enjoy sharing your wife ?

    I love my wife to humiliate, embarrass and degrade me . Fucking another man in front of me with a much larger cock while she calls me Little Dick, Bitch, Limp Dick and Asshole while she tells me how much better he fucks her than I do is the ultimate humiliation. I also love to see her having...
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    those times when a woman compared yours to a bigger cock

    I love it when my wife makes me stand next to her thick 8 inch bull's cock and compares my little 6 inch dick while she laughs and humiliates me.
  16. C

    Bull Coming for 7 night stay at our home.

    On the first date with my wife she told me she needed a boyfriend that would be faithful to her while she fucked whomever she wanted. If I wanted her I would deal with it. I got a hard on and she laughed at me. I asked her to forse me to take it from her. If that's what she needed. She wanted...
  17. C

    Asking her to marry me. Advice!

    On the first date with my wife she told me she needed a boyfriend that would be faithful to her while she fucked whomever she wanted. If I wanted her I would deal with it. I got a hard on and she laughed at me. I asked her to forse me to take it from her. If that's what she needed..She wanted me...
  18. C

    i cant make wy wife squirt like her bull

    My wife's bulls make her squirt. I'm 6 inches she needs at least 8 .. Or as she puts it a real man with a real cock.
  19. C

    How turned on do you get watching your wife have sex ?

    Extremely I love my wife to humiliate, embarrasses and degrade me like that while she verbally humiliates me