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  1. C

    Post your wives fucking other men

    My wife
  2. C

    Wife is addicted to big cocks

    Fat, skinny, old, young, black, brown, white. If she hears or finds out someone has a big cock she always ends up fucking them
  3. C

    Ever since hitting 30 she loves younger guys

    Mostly college ahet
  4. C

    Guy's who love posting porn of their wife for others to get off on

    Absolutely love showing mine off
  5. C

    Is there a site or forum dedicated to finding eskimo bros?

    I absolutely love chatting with my wifes former hook ups. I know theres a lot of them!
  6. C

    Love chatting with my wifes previous hook ups

    No idea tbh. Her body count is very high. Way more after than before.
  7. C

    ......' friends

    My wife’s brother is 13 years younger than her. His friends love hitting on her! She had huge fake tits and is always showing cleavage
  8. C

    Gf gangbanged by older men

    Oh absolutely! My wife shared with me that when she was still a teen in hs her mom was regularly bringing guys home from the bar to hook up with. Sometimes they would have a friend, my MIL expected my wife to entertain the friend while she was getting fucked. My wife hated it at first but got...
  9. C

    Tell us a secret...

    When my wife was still in high school her mom would bring home guys from the bar. Sometimes they would have a buddy and my MIL woyld encourage them to come back and hang with her teen ....... My wife said she was totally against it the first time. After that tho she started to have fun with...
  10. C

    Wife sent videos

    Love getting these from her