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  1. Pampix

    Experience regarding being exposed at a nude beach/sauna in chastity cage and/or as being a cuck?

    Experience regarding being exposed at a nude beach/sauna in chastity cage and/or as being a cuck? You being explicitly the caged cuck so everybody sees clearly what is possible?
  2. Pampix

    Did your wife/girlfriend teased you that were (maybe) gay when she saw you liked creampies, pegging, suck cock etc?

    Did your wife/girlfriend teased you that were (maybe) gay when she saw you liked creampies, pegging, suck cock etc? Did she suspect that your were gay because of that? Was this the ideal alibi for her to get a lover? Was this is reason to deny you and that you would be better having sex with...
  3. Pampix

    What excuses, reasons does your wife/girlfriend use/give to others to justify that she cheats on you?

    In the beginning she was cheating on me she told her lovers but even her coworkers and friends of ours that I was not good enough in bed to justify she was cheating on me but even more to let others know that she was available for sex. How about you?
  4. Pampix

    Bareback only wives

    The first two years I was together with my girlfriend we did not use condoms. The first time she cheated on me she did not use a condom. I then suspected that she was going to continue to cheat om me and I thought it was a good idea to use reverse psychology so I bought especially a pack of...
  5. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    I think that is al always better once the snowball is rolling of the hill (that the wife is seeing a lover) not to insist that she seed him. Once she tasted that dynamic and that she likes it its better to adapt you to her needs and wishes and evolve together in that dynamic. To much...
  6. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    The relationship between the lover of my then girlfriend and her became also beter once he knew that she had no contact anymore with my penis or semen. Most very manly bulls do nt want to have possible contact with the semen of another man. Also it enhanced the power over her that she refused me...
  7. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    You are then still lucky that you can cum inset mouth. A lot of woman do not want to have any contact anymore with the sperm of their cuck...
  8. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    Afterwards I realized that my girlfriend being annoyed that cum was leaking out of her, staining her underwear afterwards and/or the bedsheets was only with me but with the excuse it was easier for clean-up. It was simply because she did not want me or my semen in her anymore and that this was...
  9. Pampix

    How did it happen when you ate your first creampie from your wife?

    The first time I discoverd she was cheating on me.. One morning after she came home very late and that I suspected that she cheated on me I looked in the laundry basket in the bathroom. Her panties from the previous night were laying on top. She did not even made effort to hide them. I took them...
  10. Pampix

    Wife wants me caged anytime she is with her Bull

    Chastity makes that the situation is clear who's is the bull and who's is the cuckold, the alpha and the beta, who is aloud to penetrate and inseminate and who not. When being present as a cuckold when your girlfriend/wife is being fucked by her bull it is a good thing when the cuck is caged...
  11. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    Regarding condoms and others: Using protection/condoms has been quite an issue In my cuckold dynamic through the years. I am now in my third cuckold-relationship with my actual girlfriend. Condoms have a part of the practical and safety aspect but also a considerable power and symbolic aspect...
  12. Pampix

    Protection when playing with others?

    Regarding condoms and others: Using protection/condoms has been quite an issue In my cuckold dynamic through the years. I am now in my third cuckold-relationship with my actual girlfriend. Condoms have a part of the practical and safety aspect but also a considerable power and symbolic aspect...
  13. Pampix

    Should I start using condoms?

    You first posted this on 9 December 2023 that you and your wife are in the stage that she prefers to have PIV sex with her lover and that you were thinking wearing a condom would be the middle ground. Now that are you are 2 months further what is the evolution?
  14. Pampix

    How i became sissy

    I have almost the same experience but with a less "sissy" aspect but though with a quite emasculated aspect, not being seen as man by my girlfriend and her lover(s). I have been my whole life a bedwetter and wearing diapers for that. In the beginning my girlfriend when she was very much in to...
  15. Pampix

    Bigger orgasms from bigger cock?

    I think that the bigger the cock is the more chance there is to orgasm. It works for me annally I suppose that for woman it is also that way... One of the magic things with a cock that goes till the opening of the womb is that when both lovers come together the semen gets sucked in by the...
  16. Pampix

    Sub husbands and anal orgasms

    Yess, with time your shift your sexuallity from the front to the back. Also once you have experienced a full body orgasm through anal sex it's the only way you will want to orgasm in the future...
  17. Pampix


    Next March the 14th I will be12 years pussyfree! :) I even have have a video & pictures of that last time of my last PIV-sex and the moment that after that last time I got pegged by my then girlfriend. Since the a cuckold for ever..
  18. Pampix

    Cuckold's penis sizes

    Small but beautifull! :)
  19. Pampix

    Cuckold's penis sizes

    Completely thinking and experiencing the same! Adapting a beta/cuckolding role is also a way of coping with jealousy and making it psychologicaly acceptable for yourself and also regarding the softening eventual guiltfeelings of your wife that she is sleemping with another man.
  20. Pampix

    Cuckold's penis sizes

    Looks like a castrated penis. Is it?