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  1. Zdietz53

    Wives flashing in the car

    Can’t believe I missed this thread. These are from a decade+ ago when we were newlyweds. I always loved when she’d put on a little show.
  2. Zdietz53

    Wives who swallow

    I’m grateful that my wife swallows both for me and her bf. I don’t think she particularly loves it but always jokes that it’s easier to clean up that way then like have to figure out where to dispose of it.
  3. Zdietz53

    First time cuck and getting ready for our first experience

    Your wife is stunning. Best of luck with your first experience. My biggest piece of advice is just to be loving and supportive after the fact regardless of how it turns out. You guys are experiencing quite the paradigm shift in your marriage and she will need you for stability.
  4. Zdietz53

    Comment by 'Zdietz53' in media 'IMG_1779.jpeg'

    I appreciate the advice. Crete looks pristine and I’d definitely be interested in the other parts too.
  5. Zdietz53

    Comment by 'Zdietz53' in media 'IMG_1779.jpeg'

    She was on a cruise with a friend so I’m pretty sure they just stuck to the more tourist-y beaches. I definitely want to go sometime with her. Any recommendations?
  6. Zdietz53

    How old was your wife/gf when she first had black cock>

    My wife was 20 - junior year of college. She had started a fling with another junior on the track team. Then when that ended, she had another brief fling with his roommate who was on the football team.
  7. Zdietz53

    Gone Wrong Stories

    I appreciate threads like this that show some of the real life consequences that could happen but aren’t always considered in the onset. Luckily for us, we haven’t had much in “gone wrong” category. The main experience that’d belong in this thread was when my wife’s sister found out. My wife...
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  10. Zdietz53

    Today might be the day!!!

    I’m wishing you the best of luck. Even if it’s not exactly how you pictured things playing out initially, it’s a monumental step for your wife and she knows she can ask for these curveballs because she knows you’ll support her.
  11. Zdietz53

    How Many Cocks Has Your Wife Sucked Since Wedding

    Just the one guys she’s seeing now in addition to me. I hope that she does experience some more at some point but right now, she’s been super happy with what she has.
  12. Zdietz53

    Finally happened

    Former coworkers can definitely help if they’ve already built a comfort level
  13. Zdietz53

    Hotwife Question

    For us, it was honestly a lot of dumb luck. My wife and I did do a lot of the pre-work needed to be comfortable in our marriage but it still required countless things outside our control to go right for my wife to actually start seeing another guy. Wish I had some advice, but truly just first...
  14. Zdietz53

    Hotwife Question

    I looked at my wife’s situation as a “rising tide lifts all ships” type thing. Hope it’s the same for you.
  15. Zdietz53

    Hotwife Question

    I have to imagine this is a pretty common concern as it was one of the main ones my wife brought up when she was seriously starting to think about a more physically intimate relationship with the guy she’s currently seeing. I obviously didn’t know the answer at the time, but after a couple...
  16. Zdietz53

    Cucks Preference

    I’ve done 1, 2 and 3. 1 is honestly easiest for us just so we can keep things going with our regular lives. 4 would be interesting just to be closer to the action but probably not realistic for us at the moment.
  17. Zdietz53

    Wife Fucking Without You

    My wife has always met with her man without me. I originally thought that I would want to watch, but pretty much immediately knew that it’d be way too intense after talking to her about her first date. Maybe it’s something I’d want to explore down the road but not really important to me at the...
  18. Zdietz53

    We are in Bloomington

    We are in Bloomington
  19. Zdietz53

    Who knows that you share your wife

    Has the dynamic between you and your in-laws changed much since they found out/were told? We have tried to avoid letting my wife’s parents know.
  20. Zdietz53

    Anal sex with wife

    I’ve never been there to watch but she has talked to me about it in quite some detail (especially after their first couple of attempts at it). Overall, I think it’s been a positive experience for them and they both seem to get enjoyment out of it.