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  1. C

    How long you can last

    Not long. Maybe a minute or so depending on the scenario. I started using a delay spray which helps alot. I like to fuck hard and fast so it's pretty much essential for me now. When using it I might get a good 10mins of hard thrusting in. Having said that, I used it yesterday and still came...
  2. C

    Loyalty test results

    I'm assuming it doesn't happen very often. I would need to trust the guy completely that he wouldn't expose my intentions and that sort of trust doesn't happen quickly. It's more likely to happen with someone she already knows but then that opens up a whole other set of problems. It's...
  3. C

    Why is it always the men??

    It's all about her pleasure for me. I know she'd enjoy having another cock and it'd definitely boost her confidence. I'd like to see her take someone bigger than me but definitely not huge. I think around the 7 inch mark long and around 6 to 6.5inch of girth. I think the girth is the most...
  4. C

    Wife doesn't cum in doggy??

    Nope. Wife doesn't cum from penetration at all. Usually with a toy.
  5. C

    Older women's lips...

    Yep, my wife's is nothing like it used to be 20 years ago. Much more open if that makes sense. She's of course not as tight either. I much prefer how it is now to be honest.
  6. C

    What if you are with someone no one else wants?

    We have a similar situation with some differences. My wife has fairly low self esteem. I do everything I can to build it up but it's definitely an issue. Unfortunately we haven't had any guys try and hit on her. It's one thing when guys see her pix etc but in real life, it just doesn't happen...
  7. C

    Any real stories from Australia?

    Always happy to share honest stories of fun with my wife. From Sydney here.
  8. C

    Anyone else cum super fast with their wife?

    Funny thing is, mines never actually complained when I blow too quick. Anyone else find that? I always make sure she has a toy handy and that she always cum at least once. We fucked for about 15 minutes the other night. She was very wet and she orgasmed 3 times from toys but she complained the...
  9. C

    Anyone else cum super fast with their wife?

    The one I'm using is super dragon 6000. I tried a few before that but they didn't work. It's getting harder to get around here so I'll probably have to try a few others. Without it I'd blow after maybe a dozen thrusts. With it she's complaining I take too long.
  10. C

    Anyone else cum super fast with their wife?

    I can be extremely quick these days. I started using a delay spray. Makes all the difference. I can fuck hard and long with it. Usually it ends up with her asking me to cum.
  11. C

    Unpopular opinion

    My wife is definitely looser than she was years ago. She is now in her mid 40s. When we first met, she would sometimes struggle with my size. I'm only 5 inches long and 5 around. It was usually my length she'd complain about but back then she was the tightest I'd ever had. Now she can take...
  12. C

    Who truly enjoys sucking dick?

    I don't think my wife loves doing it. I'm sure she mostly does it because she knows it turns me on. That being said, she does seem to get into it. I'm still trying to teach her to be better at it but it's taking time and I'm not sure she'll ever be a "pro" at it.
  13. C

    Anyone use dildos to get their wives to want a bigger cock?

    Very hot! It's the only time I've noticed my wife get creamy. I've never seen her cream on my cock but last few times with the dildo she's been creaming it.
  14. C

    Anyone use dildos to get their wives to want a bigger cock?

    That's looks similar to ours. Ours is 7inch long and 5.5 around. She can only just fit it. I think they all say the prefer the real thing.
  15. C

    Best toys for wife

    Pretty much anything that vibrates on her clit will work. She used the womaniser for awhile but usually just reaches for her bullet vibe now. She's happy using other toys like dildos but needs the vibe to cum.
  16. C

    Cock sleeve for getting her wanting bigger?

    Yeah I'm 5inch around. She can take 5.5 so I think if I got to 6 inch girth it would be interesting
  17. C

    Anyone else prefer bbw?

    I think she just isn't that great at it. She tries but she can't seem to do it for long enough and doesn't focus on the right areas
  18. C

    Anyone else prefer bbw?

    Mine might be the exception there. Although I'm trying to train her better it's just not going all that great. Excellent at most other things though.