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  1. C

    How close am i?

    Small update. She mentioned it didn't turn her on thinking about me with other women. I quickly reassured her that I wasn't interested in having another women and that it was all about her.
  2. C

    First time shaved

    My wife stays trimmed but not shaved. Last time she was shaved was maybe 10 years ago. We should look into these new technologies you mention.
  3. C

    Anyone use dildos to get their wives to want a bigger cock?

    I brought a big one for my wife awhile back. She wasn't really into it and I probably brought it out at too many sessions so she thought it was annoying. However, last time I noticed she was very wet and when I asked if just the head was OK, she ended up taking the whole thing. Not hard or...
  4. C

    How close am i?

    After many years of trying subtle hints etc on my wife, she finally made a few comments I'm trying to make sense of. We were having a pretty intense session the other day and things got very interesting. She was dripping wet so I decided to grab a big dildo I had brought for her. She had made...