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  1. hubbysexywife

    Wife saw bigger cock in front of you

    I have already experienced a similar situation
  2. hubbysexywife

    Wife saw bigger cock in front of you

    Wonderful! Any clear size difference when you played strip poker?
  3. hubbysexywife

    Wife saw bigger cock in front of you

    An incredible experience, I suppose!!
  4. hubbysexywife

    Next step? (am I ready)

    Wonderful she asked you that. Certainly is something to explore. What do you think she want on a nude beach? - see other people naked, especially guys - show off her naked body - both
  5. hubbysexywife

    Next step? (am I ready)

    Looks like we both had the same kind of journey (check you messages). My wife always says she couldn't do that for real, but one thing I noticed about her is she felt comfortable talking with me about other guys she find attractive. Before, she rarely did it and if she did it, was always with...
  6. hubbysexywife

    All this ass

    Very sexy! Who is she?
  7. hubbysexywife

    Comment by 'hubbysexywife' in media 'IMG_5133.jpeg'

    Beautiful ass 😍
  8. hubbysexywife

    Show your wife in provocative classy dress!

    Perfect to go on a girls night out 😉
  9. hubbysexywife

    Show us your wife's used pussy

    Where 🤔
  10. hubbysexywife

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    Yeah, it's an unforgettable sensation I think!
  11. hubbysexywife

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    Did you fuck her immediately after the bigger dildo? Check your pm
  12. hubbysexywife

    The progress so far, and where to go from there

    She looks pretty hot! Very similar story 😉 She definitely felt the difference! Did she make any comments about that?
  13. hubbysexywife

    My wife and two middle aged black men at the gym

    You have a lot to tease about!!! Wow 😲 does she know about your fantasy?
  14. hubbysexywife

    Sex with a co-worker

    True, easy for ones but more difficult to others. My wife confessed to me that, if she had been single, at her last work dinner, she might have fucked a co-worker who wouldn't stop hitting on her the entire dinner. Some wine always helps to loosen the libido.
  15. hubbysexywife

    Sex with a co-worker

    I think is very easy flirt on work or gyms, but don't know is the better choice, anyway its the easier. Of course guys at work flirt with our wifes, probably we do the same, but ate some point the line can or can't be broken.
  16. hubbysexywife

    My wife "naively" wears workout leggings out in public that show her pussy in detail. I love it.

    That's wonderful! Of course other guys stare at her to chek her out! We should be able to take a look of some those pics 🍑😉