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    Just find someone. So one you already know or find someone new with this idea in mind and let her get to know that person. Play it off like he’s a new person you meet at the gym or something. Tell her you going to have drinks with a friend and invite her to come. See what happens
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    I totally agree. This happens to my wife all the time. It’s happened to me on this site with guys. I understand my wife isn’t a size 5 and isn’t going to appeal to everyone. Just be honest and say thanks for the opportunity but I don’t think it’s going to work for me
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    Helping hand

    Never with my wife but I’ve fisted a few submissive girls in my past
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    A black slut who knows her place..

    My wife is black and plays with a number of white guys. I don’t think race really matters. A hot women is a hot women regardless of race. I’m just happy the stigmatization of interracial dating is faltering
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    Introducing Mollie and Alan

    Welcome, everyone will have different advice for you. If you are just getting started and aren’t ready to play yet. My recommendation is always to find a local high class swingers club. You can go do some people watching. Dance and just have fun. Everyone is there because they are in the...
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    Sharing wife with lesbian?

    My ex wife was bi. My current wife doesn't think she is. But she likes to look at women. She’s never done anything with another women. She explored it once via dating apps but the lesbians were too aggressive for her and I think they scared her off. Now she tells me it’s not her thing
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    New Bull in Dallas,Tx

    Your albums are empty
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    China Thread

    My wife travels to China every now and then. She use to go every year but it’s less now. She travels to Hong Kong and to the factory’s
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    Seeing my paki wife with white man

    It would help if you share location. The photo definitely looks Bollywood
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    New Bull in Dallas,Tx

    Post some photos to your profile. It might help. we are in the Dallas area and my wife is always looking for new guys
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    Questions for Hot Wives/Milfs in public.

    Is she wearing nipple rings or barbells? I love rings but the trend now days seems to be barbells becuse they are less visible
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    JAIMEE FOXWORTH former t.v. star turned porn star crave ! who said not enuff black hotwives !

    There aren't enough but my wife is one. But she is a black Puerto Rican
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    Questions for Hot Wives/Milfs in public.

    That’s so hot. I wish I’d get a chance to see someone like you enjoying her self when I’m on vacation
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    My wife works by DFW airport so she has a wide area she can meet people
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    Dallas bull for hotwives

    I was inquiring for my wife but thanks for the compliment.
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    Questions for Hot Wives/Milfs in public.

    I love women with nipple piercing. My ex wife had her nipples pierced. I wanted my current wife to get piercing. She looked into getting a vertical hood piercing but after she did the q tip test they said her hood wasn’t deep enough for it and that the only piercing she was willing to get
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    Dallas bull for hotwives

    Where at in DFW are you at? We live in Wylie but my wife works by DFW Airport.
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    How do I encourage my gf to have sex with women and cuck me in the process?

    I’d drop the idea of you being in the room watching. If you really want it to happen, she needs to be comfortable. girl/ girl being new to her she’s not going to be that comfortable. You being there will make her all the more uncomfortable. If she is talking about it. I’d giver her a hall...
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    Thoughts on women who don’t wear panties

    I’d say you are a lucky man. Not wearing panties is hot as F. I don’t know if it makes her more likely to become a hotwife but I’d say she must be more open to her sexuality. My wife is a hotwife. She won’t open the door for the pizza guy without a bra on even if she is fully clothed. She...