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  1. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #136. "Well you sure?" She asks me. "No" I reply. We laugh, but me nervously. "It's kind of too late now you know" she says to me. "I know. This is your moment" I say. "No, it's ours. We are owning this together" she says. "What do you think?" I ask. "He is so hot"...
  2. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Thank you. Angst is good word to describe it.
  3. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post # 130 and 132. We get to the hotel and I am carrying his bag while he has my wife around his arms. As we walk past the front desk I wonder if the people working there see my wife with another man after them seeing the two of us leave the hot l together. I can't really...
  4. zekethegeek

    Hi, thanks for the follow.

    Hi, thanks for the follow.
  5. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    I am going to insert another part of the story that happened earlier this day before we met up with the police officer. Earlier that day Olivia wanted to go shopping for something special to wear. We went to a store because she wanted me to go with her. She was looking for a nice set of bras...
  6. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Ignore post #131. SPAM
  7. zekethegeek

    Lol, yep, she is in the game now.

    Lol, yep, she is in the game now.
  8. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #127. I see them kissing. For the first time I am having second thoughts about this. I am liking it, but not really liking it. They tell me they will wait for me outside while I finish paying the bill. They get up and leave to wait for me outside. The waitress brings...
  9. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #126. Holy $#!+ I begin to think. This is getting real. My wife who we have only been with each other our whole lives is now getting close to another man right in front of me. Yeah, sure, she had boyfriends before in high school, but only kissed. Same for me with other...
  10. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post#124. We went to dinner. We walked to the restaurant a few blocks away. Got there, went to the bar to wait and get drinks to take the edge off. We were both really nervous. We were sitting at a table in the bar part through our drinks when he walked in. He came over to...
  11. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #123. We went home took a nap and then got ready for the evening. We went downtown late afternoon, got checked into our hotel room, got settled in, texted him, and he texted back he would be there and was looking forward to hanging out with us since he had the night off...
  12. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #122. So the day came. Olivia and I didn't know what to expect. Would he show? If he did, would we just have a vanilla night? A soft cuck night? Or go all the way with it? We didn't know. We went to the store that early afternoon to buy some lingerie for her. We...
  13. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #115. So we made plans to meet up with him. We made plans with no expectations of anything happening. Maybe he would show up. Maybe he wouldn't. You never know, hope for the best, but don't get hopes too high. We made plans to get a hotel room for the night, if not for...
  14. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    I also want to thank you all for your reading of our story and hanging in there while I tell it in spurts. It means a lot to both of us that you are there enjoying it as much as I am telling it.
  15. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Sorry about making you guys wait. I've read the posts above. We are not trying to string anybody along. It's not on purpose other than the fact we work a lot too and try not to have this totally take over our lives. Between our regular jobs and being adjunct professors, our days and nights...
  16. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Continuing from post #114. About a week later, Olivia got a phone call from the police officer. She was surprised to say the least thinking this guy was going to be like the others who we were vetting. After talking to him she texted and called me immediately telling me "guess who called?" I...
  17. zekethegeek

    What excites you more about erotica or porn?

    Sorry, I'm naive. What's the difference between the two? I confess I really don't know the terminology I'm sorry to say.
  18. zekethegeek

    Our Journey . . .

    Ok everybody. Olivia is a Hotwife now I am so pleased to announce. I'm going to have to serialize this story since a lot happened. To begin with, Olivia and I were out one night spending time with each other on a little date night. We were looking for a specific place when we went up to a...