So what has caused her pussy to be so tight. Has she been starved of cock. What a great job it would be to stretch her. She needs to be fucked for several hours each day.
Both are important. When a woman reaches orgasm oxytocin is released that gives her an intense feeling of well-being. This is so pleasurable and should not be ignored. Researchers have found that exposure to semen is also good for women's health because of the mood-altering chemicals of this...
Thank you for sharing your experiences and letting us know how much as a couple you both enjoy the clean up /eating out part of the sessions and how it really helps with eliminating your guilt, as he is positive in his approval.
Sounds like you are about to have a lot of fun. Im sure no kissing rule will soon get broken and it is great that hubby has already committed to pleasuring you orally as part of the experience. You will love being reclaimed orally after your Bull has finished. Have you discussed bareback vs...
Totally agree. Nothing better than fucking and cumming inside a married woman. It is even better with him there watching and then holding and kissing the wife as hubby cleans up the dripping pussy.