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  1. B

    Needing help with a load!!

    Me too!!!! That would be fun!!
  2. B

    Tribute this photo for us please!!

    I do all the time!! Plus others do as well.
  3. B

    Tribute this photo for us please!!

    Please tribute her and let her know what you would do to her.
  4. B

    Show us your sex toys.

    Make her cum over and over then enjoy the meal out 😊
  5. B

    Needing help with a load!!

    Spend it… needing a place to put it.
  6. B

    Needing help with a load!!

    Anyone interested in giving me some advice on how to handle a huge load?
  7. B

    how much would you pay for a night with these wives?

    Where are you located
  8. B

    Amazing body!!

    Amazing body!!
  9. B

    how much would you pay for a night with these wives?

    I’d give a thousand to have fun with her.
  10. B

    how much would you pay for a night with these wives?

    Thousand dollars for a night.
  11. B

    New Pics to Share

    Time to put that outfit to work!
  12. B

    doing tributes to your wife

    Stunning Lady!
  13. B

    Show us your sex toys.

    Perfect!! Gobble up that toy with that pussy.
  14. B

    Show us your sex toys.

    Great picture!! Thanks for sharing
  15. B

    Wife needs more sex

    Would definitely like to help her out!!
  16. B

    Wifey on Business Trip

    Just tell her to have fun and if things work out then good for her. The less the pressure but more encouragement seems to help. And yes there is a difference…
  17. B

    Show us your sex toys.

    Now that’s an Awesome collection!! I hope they are all used and used often!!!!!