Search results

  1. Memyselfnu1962

    Pictures of your wife taken by someone else.

    Damn! Lucky friends!
  2. Memyselfnu1962

    hi from egypt

    Show us please. With or without clothes is acceptable! And welcum!
  3. Memyselfnu1962

    Orally Talented Wives - Let's see who's hot for cock

    THAT'S what I'm talking about
  4. Memyselfnu1962


  5. Memyselfnu1962


    Would be fun !
  6. Memyselfnu1962

    Any man fancy my wife

    Lol....for some reason Ms Lynn... I do believe you'd gladly brush us ALL aside to be first in line! Lol.
  7. Memyselfnu1962

    My wife loves doggy

    With a magnificent ass like that, I'd taker bare back, bare front, bare upside down!
  8. Memyselfnu1962

    Any man fancy my wife

    Dude, she is gorgeous! I'd take her in a heartbeat if you were in AZ!
  9. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

    Just makes my toes curl!
  10. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in media 'I Rule'

    Side by WIN! just gorgeous!
  11. Memyselfnu1962

    what for linngiee uses your wife

    DAYUM. Got that right! Sexy is as sexy does!
  12. Memyselfnu1962

    How would you fuck my wife?

    Odds ya got another one, and I'm taken again
  13. Memyselfnu1962

    How would you fuck my wife?

    My oh my, I could eat that for HOURS
  14. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife here saying hi!

    I cuaght that, and thanks and good looking out ^5
  15. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

    Oh look... A picnic feast for me !!
  16. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in media 'IMG_20150414_031232'

    I have a secret fetish for woman that suck Thier own nipps!
  17. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife here saying hi!

    Welcum aboard Jamie! I look forward to the stories!
  18. Memyselfnu1962


    Welcum Lexi! Your VERY attractive, and we look forward to hearing about your exploits !
  19. Memyselfnu1962

    Wife in bondage

    SUCH a dream! And in the younger pics she ALMOST as hot and desirable as she is now! Thanks for my enjoyment!
  20. Memyselfnu1962

    Presenting Vanessa

    OPPS! Didn't mean to forget Briggett !