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  1. Memyselfnu1962

    Pictures of your wife taken by someone else.

    SUCH a dish! I could make a meal outta that!
  2. Memyselfnu1962

    Hello All

    Welcum to our world! Keep us abridged as to what happens!
  3. Memyselfnu1962

    Hi all

    Welcome and good luck with that... we'll be watching and waiting!
  4. Memyselfnu1962

    Pictures of your wife taken by someone else.

    So WHERE do I have to move to to become "a friend"? Lol
  5. Memyselfnu1962


    From what I can tell, the body is hot, so the ass must be awesome, and THATS my fav!
  6. Memyselfnu1962

    Cheating or Cuckolding

    The L ne my friend, is wherever YOU want it! If your happy, then who cares what WE think!
  7. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in media 'Too Short To Drink?'

    Dayum! I wouldn't be thinking about drinking!
  8. Memyselfnu1962

    Greetings & Salutations

    Welcum aboard !
  9. Memyselfnu1962

    posting your wife's beautiful lips

    FOOK ya! I'll take THAT anytime!
  10. Memyselfnu1962

    Wife likes to tease

    Fuck yes..nice tease?! More please!
  11. Memyselfnu1962

    Married, submissive & wants exposure.

    Well what a hottie!
  12. Memyselfnu1962

    The cuckold lifestyle. A few of our videos

    AWESOME flicks! Keep up the good work !!
  13. Memyselfnu1962

    posting your wife's beautiful lips got me....he he he
  14. Memyselfnu1962

    posting your wife's beautiful lips

    FOOK YES! THAT pic does it for me!
  15. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in album 'Hotwife Lynda 2'

    Yep...I'd have done you back then !
  16. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in media 'Sexy strings'

    THAT ass does it for me! Thanks for sharing!!
  17. Memyselfnu1962

    Hey y'all

    THAT is because I wasn't MOI , my dear sweet tasty Lynn ! LOL
  18. Memyselfnu1962

    Pictures of your wife taken by someone else.

    Oh yes...could be more fun...if I was in the picture! Lol !
  19. Memyselfnu1962

    Wife in bondage

    So....does your wife have an older sister? Maybe just a twin that likes older men?????