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  1. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

    ROFLMAO ! Lucky them !!
  2. Memyselfnu1962

    Orally Talented Wives - Let's see who's hot for cock

    Now THAT'S Hanna help my dreams
  3. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

    I love ya Hun, but don't see nobody twisting your arm....LOL !!
  4. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

  5. Memyselfnu1962

    Hotwife Lynda

    DEFINITELY! that's how I like to see ya !!
  6. Memyselfnu1962

    juicy young milf

    ABSOLUTELY nice and fuckable !
  7. Memyselfnu1962

    My Indiam GF

    Those pics look oddly familiar...
  8. Memyselfnu1962

    Wife Mandy

    nice pics! Of course for me, there's no question.. the ass has it, and I'd pound that hands down!
  9. Memyselfnu1962

    Should I let her take control of this?

    Remember the above,but before hand, all questions that can be answered should be answered.. in MHO that needs to be made clear. And she NEEDS to understand that. Of course, that's the trust part.
  10. Memyselfnu1962

    Hello :)

    Welcum aboard !
  11. Memyselfnu1962

    Hey there everybody!

    WELCUM! great pro! We await with anticipation!
  12. Memyselfnu1962

    Pictures of your wife taken by someone else.

    Ok, ok.. you KNOW what I like best !! DAYUM !!
  13. Memyselfnu1962

    Say Hello

    Welcum and show us more of her! She's got a great laugh! AND a nice body!
  14. Memyselfnu1962

    Hi everyone! New member here

    Welcum aboard ! We hope to hear about your adventures!
  15. Memyselfnu1962

    Sexy Outfits

    NOW I wanna ravage someone!
  16. Memyselfnu1962

    Please, make a cumtribute

    Now you MORE then my attention!
  17. Memyselfnu1962

    Play this week

    Anything worth doing, takes a little effort my friend! Keep us appraised, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
  18. Memyselfnu1962

    Comment by 'Memyselfnu1962' in media 'Just Me'

    Truly a beauty!
  19. Memyselfnu1962

    Pretty AWESOME

    Pretty AWESOME