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  • My current fantasy is about sending my wife to a regular full body massage, where it turns out its a hot guy who is going to massage her. She undresses completely and lays down with a towel over her body. He starts working out a really good massage, which helps her get relaxed and slightly arosed. He the. Focuses on her legs and feet, does a really detailed foot massage.
    As he lifts her foot, the towel moves a bit up and he can clearly see her ass and pussy underneath. After a while my wife recognises that she is slightly exposed. That gets her a bit ashamed, but she does nothing.
    He moves slowly up her tights. Going slowly higher and higher. Accidentally brushing her pussy lips. That gives her the ultimate explosion.
    She does nothing. Only enjoys the massage. By accident she lifts her bun slightly up. Which feels as a total invitation for the guy. He brushes her pussy again. And again. She is very nervous. Until… he puts a finger directly on her pussy and start to slowly rub it. Thats it! She is frozen, but starts to enjoy. Accidentally she gives another inviting signal, slightly spreading her tights.
    Thats it. He glides a finger inside of her. She is so wet. Two fingers easily right away.
    The massage is over. She is silent as she comes back to the hotel room. She is blushing. I know why, as I ordered it. I am happy and horny. I hug her and slowly undress her. Now she is mine again!
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