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  • I think there's something weird going on with my account. I'm unable to see the Private Message option. Can you help?
    Hi. I am unable to send direct messages or chat?
    Hey, sorry for the double post here, but I still cannot figure out why my account is restricted from sending chats or dms?

    Any ideas?
    Hello I am wondering if you can help. I am unsure why I am no longer allowed to include pictures in my posts. My pictures follow the rules and are very popular. I haven't been told why I can no longer post pictures. I enjoy this sight and used to contribute excellent content. I would really like to continue to support the sight with my content and would ask that you consider allowing me to do so.

    Hello. Please read the rules.
    All uploaded content will be reviewed before publication to ensure that the content is not illegal and does not otherwise violate the Standards/Terms and rules. Your content may be removed with or without notification if we detected any violation. Sometimes it may take time to review and approve, please just wait for it to be approved, we do our best to keep this site safe and useful.
    It is said that all my messages awaiting moderator approval. But I dont do smrh wrong
    hello need my account deleted thank you.
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