Recent content by tom202054

  1. T


    Your wife is a very sexy looking lady. Can as chat about her
  2. T


    Where at in IL ...... near Chicago here
  3. T


    Your wife looks to be very sexy there. By the IN/ MI line can we chat sometime?
  4. T


    Hi partycouple, Care to meet for drinks or lunch one afternoon. Email me you you like or reply here.
  5. T


  6. T


    Hi would you like to try to get her to share or you or that just a fantasy. Open to helping you make this happen.
  7. T

    Can we chat some about her and see if we might be able to meet up. I think she looks amazing and...

    Can we chat some about her and see if we might be able to meet up. I think she looks amazing and would enjoy knowing you two more ...
  8. T

    Hi tgif I was curious is she still fucking others. If so this mature male would love to be...

    Hi tgif I was curious is she still fucking others. If so this mature male would love to be invited to enjoy her sexually. Care to chat some about it .
  9. T

    Thought we found someone, didn’t turn out, need tips

    There are many assholes out there so you have to learn to weed them out. Why dont you email we and maybe we can arrange. something I have been with several cpls most long term relationships .....
  10. T

    Bareback Discussion

    Love to leave you a big cream pie to play .... love her sweet ass very sexy
  11. T

    Did my wife cheat on me

    I'm curious does it really matter I never seen pussy get over used before. I was fucking a neighbor lady for 5 years and fucking her daily her husband was also fucking her .... her pussy was just as good after 5 yrs as it was on day one. When her husband would ask if she fucked others...
  12. T


    If you don't find the BBC I can give you a BWC to use on your hotwife.
  13. T


    Midway airport area but will travel if your open to meeting up
  14. T


    I would be very open to playing with her if we can arrange it near Chicago my self
  15. T

    Testing GF

    I have done this to help two husbands get their wife's to play it needs to be planned out and you need to find someone you trust to be up front with you as to what happens. It can be amazingly sexy if done right and she don't need to know you arranged it. If you want lets chat and I will tell...