Recent content by thePlagueDoctor

  1. thePlagueDoctor

    VERIFIED Verify us please

  2. thePlagueDoctor

    Why can’t we add a profile pic

    It's not locked
  3. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Verify please

    Should be a video
  4. thePlagueDoctor

    PM me

    PM me
  5. thePlagueDoctor

    VERIFIED verify me

    You've missed current date
  6. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Request verification

    There is no the site's name
  7. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Request verification

    Should be a video, you've missed current date
  8. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Please verify me

    Should be a video
  9. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Please verify

    Should be a video
  10. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Verification photo
  11. thePlagueDoctor

    ❗️ From now on a video is required to get verified ❗️

    Please, take a note that you need to post a video of you holding a paper with: - your username - site's name - current date
  12. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING verify me

    You have missed the date and the name of the site
  13. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Pls verify Ms.Wifey

    Please, make a video with that paper and you
  14. thePlagueDoctor

    PENDING Pls verify Ms.Wifey

    If you are a couple, your male half also should be on the photo