Recent content by OB88

  1. OB88


    My fantasy is a bit tamer. A vacation to enjoy a fairly unique aspect of culture in Japan. The commuter trains! Her "special times" would be twice a day, 7 to 9 in the morning and 5:30 to 7:30 in the evening when the trains are filled to almost 200% standard capacity. Commuters are pressed...
  2. OB88

    Please comment

    Thanks for sharing the photos! Yes, you would look fantastic pulling the train in your mouth. Do you see yourself on your knees, servicing a line of hard guys or would you rather be laying down with guy after guy coming to the edge of the bed to mouth fuck you?
  3. OB88

    My future wife

    Wow! Very bangable! Glad you worked through her cheating. So do you hope to share her after you are married? She has a very attractive look with a touch of sluttiness hinting. No disrespect meant, just sharing my view.
  4. OB88

    Meet Sonni

    Great body, love the pierced nipples too! Maybe not a big fan of blue hair dye, but everything else looks primo!
  5. OB88


    Keep us posted! The belly ring and tats make it seem at least possible if not likely! But be willing to share her with any big cock to get her started. Once she feels a big duck pounding her cervix, she will likely want that to happen more often and transitioning to a big black cock will be much...
  6. OB88

    sexy Melanie

  7. OB88


    Ah, thank you for sharing. Most of the replies seemed to have the lifestyle as the agenda and not the well being of the poster. So, not a doctor, just another noncom, like yourself.
  8. OB88


    Hello, lurker here and more of a wannabe voyuer type, so not actually in the lifestyle. But it is a common thread in my sex chat with my wife. That is just for info and background We all end up with some regrets in life. I can definitely understand that destroying a good marriage is one...